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Reply to Pollocracy one: Let commenting the comments commence!

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June 29th 2009, 07:45 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Ah yet another article you ask? You asked right. Pollocracy: Because in a pollocracy it's not the voter who decides, but the poll maker.

See the comments to read the rest.

As you might have noticed I took over the polls about half a year ago. So hereby I also take over the position of posting the best comments from them.

How does this work?

Well, in a democratic country it is the voters who decide. Now the dinknetwork has never been a democracy, but sometimes voters still have an opinion. If this opinion is related to the poll we like to hear it, just use the little box labeled 'Any Comments?' next to the poll. If your comment is witty, useful or just plain weird I might post it here for others to enjoy. You have been warned. I rank these comments according to fully objective criteria, so resistance is futile.

Okay, so this first installment will cover the best comments for the last 24 polls. So, if you have been missing the comments: Enjoy!

Note that any [text between square brackets] is mine, {text within the curly brackets} is the option the commenter voted for (if I think it's relevant).

Poll 91: When is the last time you played Dink (or a D-Mod) for fun?

5) this game rocks better than link
4) god, i forgot this website existed
3) senseless poll... people who don't play dink anymore don't visit this site [You'd be surprised...]
2) I Took the question as a challenge
1) I will find Charlie, I swear!

Poll 92: Scouting foolishly, you open a long-neglected door only to incur the wrath of a foul creature. The crazed beast comes for you. Your move:

3) True warriors use wrestling moves and not weapons.
2) What about fake death? [There's no substitute for the real thing]
1) Why not feed it? I need all the friend i can get

Poll 93: You choose to dance naked in front of the foul creature. Which dance do you choose?

5) Гимн Советского Союза [The soviet anthem? Might work...]
4) napoleon dynamite
3) The Ankle Grab
2) Funkey Tal dance !
1) /lonely elephant

Poll 94: You choose to dance naked in front of the foul creature. Which dance do you choose?

[Yes, the same poll was held twice... Good for the /deja vu option]

3) I don't dance, I strip.
2) pole dance of the ancients
1) What, more dancing? This creature must be getting hungry.

Poll 95: Boxers or Briefs?

3) how can do d-mods? [complaint chaos anyone?]
2) Loin cloth. How do you spell "Loin"? Is it Loyn, or Loin, loen? I dunno.
1) Boxers. But not if they have spongebob squarepants on them. That's just...wrong.

Poll 96 was never held.

Poll 97: Ennui?

3) OMG, Dink is still alive!
2) So what's a Ennui??
1) Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts [Your point being?]

Okay, this is where I took over. See the polls go downhill from here...

Poll 98: Favorite Christmas activity?

5) Reindeer are pretty.
4) .. desperate for action, anyone?!
3) Nothing like a good chimney dive.
2) i eat too much i need a laxative
1) And Harrassing Santa's wife

Poll 99: Prefered mapeditor?

3) {I don't make DMODs} I would... but i dont know how
2) {DinkEdit} It's still the most über of them all!
1) Sabre advocates DinkEdit. Total keyboard control, huzzah!

Poll 100: The recently appointed staffmembers are:

1) {Inexistent} I think not, therefore I am not. [I entered about the same comment...]

Poll 101: Best title for a DMOD:

5) Quest for redink1's crown
4) DEHYDRATED PENGUINS RULE!ALL SHALL BOW DOWN BEFORE THEM!!ROOOAAAAARRRRR!!.....I mean squeak,squeak,uh,screech,screech.....has anyone seen an animal documentary on them???
3) Invasion of TheMutant® Duck Heads (The)
2) {Search for the random household item} loo brush? [Just use your hands, works perfectly, believe me.]
1) In the tradition of Dink Polls, it should mention both "Tal" and "Banana". With this in mind, I think a good title would be "Tal's Banana Republic".

Poll 102: Which operating system are you using?

2) Win98- stop laughing at me!! [Haha!]
1) And how about them BSD folks? And Solaris? ... okay, not that anyone uses those here, but still >_> [And while we're at it: Who uses DOS?]

Poll 103: Favorite kitchen utensil?

3) rod [Eh, what? Why did you vote blender!?]
2) {Microwave} 'Cos you can do all sorts of fun stuff with this. Oh, and cook food.
1) I've got blended bell peper smoothie mix in my freezer...

Poll 104: Favorite 'paranormal' ability?

No comments were deemed funny enough to post here.

Poll 105: First thing on your mind when you see a banana?

3) {Wrath} I am allergic to Banana's
2) {Lust} i love bananas
1) {Pride} i am mister banana

Poll 106: The end is nigh!

3) we'll end the world, when all hope is gone!!(slipknot)
2) I'm sure Necromancer will fix us right up.
1) oh, good. I won't have to pay back a big loan

Poll 107: What's your annual income

1) {I earn cookies only} 'cause my school allowance goes straight to my mom

Poll 108: How old are you?

2) the upper 18 yo. so I remember old games on first releases
1) Old enough for your mother. [Nobody can be that old...]

Poll 109: I like water:

3) {wet} and clean
2) {solid} At least if you're going to walk over it
1) But really, I like my water fluffy. Sometimes.

Poll 110: Why has only one new DMOD been released this year?

3) there's 2 [Yeah, people started releasing DMODs the moment I posted this poll. It's a conspiracy]
2) I'd chalk it to lack of new members in general. Seeing how small the community has always been, though, I'm surprised there ever was a time when several dmods were released every month. [I'm surprised such an elaborate response even fits inside that box...]
1) Bananas are expensive.

Poll 111: What causes the recent increase in released files?

2) you people are crazy [Yes, that might actually be the reason...]
1) {Tal} The answer to all your questions.. [Indeed]

Poll 112: Most important element of a DMOD?

3) Lol. Obviously the map! You can't have a DMOD without a map.
2) bananas!
1) Personally, I find nude pictures of Tal to be the most important element of a D-Mod.

Poll 113: What animal gives the best kind of meat?

3) Duck. [Sir, a duck is not a fish.]
2) nothing like human flesh <3 [I hope you're not speaking from experience?]
1) What a yucky poll. Meat is gross! Eat a plant. [I don't want to hurt plants]

Poll 114: You find a dragon carcass, what do you do?

3) Get it? In the game there was a Dead Dragon Carcass cult, and if it's a dead dragon, and a carcass, it's a dead dragon carcass. hehe. [I am totally in awe of your logic.]
2) {Confirm it is a dead dragon carcass} And if so, ride said dead dragon carcass like a mechanical bull.
1) Dead Dragon Carcass, I love you !

I'll try posting the comments slightly more frequently from now on. So, start commenting!