The Dink Network

Dinkerview #6: Another weirdo from Netherlands

October 17th 2011, 02:09 AM
Skull's in the news again, this time because another Dinkerview is here!

Click on the comments to read his interview with Merder.


Hello, Dink Network, and welcome to another edition of Dinkerview! No, this is not Kent Brockman, but it dang well should be, because this place has even weirder people than Springfield!

One thing I wanted to make sure would happen, when the idea of Dinkerview first came to me, was that everyone should be allowed to be interviewed. Everyone should have the privilige to be heard. This is something, I think the old "Dinker's View" failed to do. It only interviewed legends, but I think even the newcomers, less noticed, and even the more disliked people of the site, deserve an interview. You might not think these people have as much to say, but there is much interesting that should be heard from them.

So right now, I've tried to pick up one of those less known people for this interview. Here's my interview, with Merder!

Q1: Hello Merder! How are you doing?

A1: i'm fine besides the eternal headache.

Q2: How do you like Netherlands? Any pros and cons coming to your mind?

A2: well i like the Netherlands and for pros and cons i'll have to add as a pro would be though not personally needed it was the first to legalize same sex marriage. and a con would be all the rain especially this year.

Q3: Netherlands is a small country but yet it seems to have provided us more Dinkers than any other country ever. Why do you think this is? What about Dink interests people in Netherlands so much?

A3: to be honest i wouldn't know why guess just coincidence.

Q4: As mentioned, many Dinkers come from the Netherlands. I have heard that there apparently are quite a few Dinkers who are just a small walk away from each other. Have you ever had the chance to meet another Dinker in person? If so, how was the experience?

A4: unfortunately not even if a small country still can take a few several hours to get to some other towns.

Q5: The main question of them all! How did you first come to find out about the lovely pig farmer known as Dink Smallwood?

A5: well saw in in a store before it became freeware(Interotys) and well later was surfing for free games and it popped up downloaded and was hooked tight away.

Q6: On top of that, can you tell us some more about your history here in The Dink Network? From how and when you found out about the site to this day?

A6: well this was the site i found the game on however only a few years later i joined and even later took a break but the curse of the network drew me back.

Q7: You have the most interesting username. I can never help but to think of 'murder' when I see it. What's the story behind this username? Did you simply come up with it?

A7: well dunno how i came up with it but the first time i used it was on a now dead site and well used ever since i have been teased due to it like with telling me about the French word Merde and what it means(if you wanna know just google it and it should reveal) and the murder one too and don't worry only kill in games not in real life

Q8: You are a well-known member on this site. When you post something on the forums, everybody will know who the person who posted it was. You know, nobody's certainly unfamiliar about your presence. However, personally I have the feeling you have been overshadowed even by some of the newBs of the site. Do you have this feeling yourself or is it just me? If you do, then what do you think about it?

A8: well don't feel overshadowed that much myself and well i think the newbs just wanna impress the older members and well soon the novelty wears off then they will post as they really are and well we all were newbs once.

Q9: You have released two D-Mods, the first one being Tears of the Devil. Is there anything you would like to say about the creating of this D-Mod, or just something generally about it?

A9: well i enjoyed making them but before Tears of the Devil is treully finished i need to fix the purple Bonca bug(now know how to), some other debugging and finish the ending for the !nsane difficulty. but the biggest slowdown is sheer sheer laziness.

Q10: How do you feel about the reception that your D-Mods have gotten?

A10: well i feel the reception was good for them being my first D-mods and well if i make more hope they become better.

Q11: Can we expect any new major contributions from you in the near future?

A11: near future nope maybe a update with bug fixes but major contributions will be in the more distant future as my current projects are progressing slow but still have some

Q12: Right here, I want to bring up a not-so-fun question about the current situation of The Dink Network. There have been many people talking that this site has gone downhill, and there have been lots of fights going on. What do you personally think of this whole situation?

A12: well i don't find it going downhill that much sure some nuisances are more active now but when that is over it'll climb back and probably become better. I just hope there won't be many more flamewars but my gut says there will be a lot more though but i try to ingore them as much as possible.

Q13: Who is your favorite Dinker and why?

A13: from the non active batch SimonK he has some of the best D-mods out there and has created some great graphics to Stea... err borrow for other D-modders
from the active batch mmm that is a though one but i say Robj he made great song parodies plus is the most active video maker of LP's

Q14: What is your favorite D-Mod and why?

A14: Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT.
it has so much to do even after beating the main quest and so many mini D-mods it has to unlock still i have to unlock all in it.

Q15: If there was one thing, in one of your D-Mods that you could change, what would that thing be?

A15: well sofar only removing the bugs that they have further i'm quite content with them for now.

Q16: On your profile page, you say you really love writing fiction. How much exactly do you love this?

A16: quite a lot and well about every month or 2 i write atleast 1 and not just stuff i can mention safely here.

Q17: What is your favorite movie and game? And, presuming you read, what is your favorite book? I assume it has something to do with fiction?

A17: well favorite movie? hmm dunno saw quite a few and still quite a few to see well sofar Disney's Snowwhite. the game is thougher but have to say Oblivion. I do read i'm as they say a true bookworm and well my fave book so far is Around the world in 80 days by Jules Verne(i get myself 2 or 3 books atleast a month)

Q18: Your profile page also says you have weird luck. What exactly does this mean?

A18: well is hard to often i find stuff and often when i don't like stuff it is loved if i still post it but occasionally when i love what i made it gets bad feedback(fortunately no destructive so far). but really i wouldn't know how to explain it in another way to make more sense

Q19: Alright, let's move to the slightly crazier questions that come out from the maniac depths of my brain. Banana or Cookie? Which do you choose?

A19: well the banana addicts are going to hate me for this but cookies is my choice just not a big fan of fruits.

Q20: Tal vs. SabreTrout. Who will win?

A20: Sabretrout he got razor shar p teeth whily Tal only has a beak though sharp too doesn't beat all those teeth.

Q21: Under your username, there's a little icon saying you has a xbox. Is this true or is it there just to impress the ladies?

A21: nope don't own one i do have the account as Windows life games use the same account for it and wish there were more games to play via that system.

Q22: The question everybody has been waiting for!! What is the meaning of life? You can't answer Sex, Street Fighter, 42, Coffee n' Chocolate fudge, Creativity nor "Why would there be a meaning? Life is. You can fight it, deny it, try to give it a meaning or try to live with it. I'd choose that last option... ".

A22: for me hmm a though one since some good ones where already taken so i will pick the sexiest cloth of the universe and say gloves especially if babes wear them

Q23: Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans, enemies, those in between, God and the whole Holy Trinity for that matter?

A24: Hmm well how about this "don't drop that anvil!!" hmm no this i will say Racism sucks that includes thinking bad about other people's preferences in whatever kind of preferences.

and now to get of my lazy but concerning D-mod making


And so Merder, the combination of the French word "crap" and the English word "murder" (crappy murder??), left the scene. Thank you, Merder, for this interview! I'm Skull, not Kent Brockman (that joke is horrible. How the hell did I come up with that?!), seeya guys on the forum!
October 17th 2011, 04:40 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
I may be a weirdo but i don't care as weirdness is fun and fun to use in mods which reminds me i need to get of my lazy ass and go back to "working" on them
October 17th 2011, 11:19 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
As you could probaby guess by the amount of time that this Dinkerview took, I was really struggling to get this one done, and I don't think it turned out that great. Just wanted to explain, that in case no more Dinkerviews show up in a while, I'm just taking a small break. Now, I may take this break. I doubt I will let myself take one, but it could happen. Just letting you know.
October 17th 2011, 12:15 PM
I liked it.
October 17th 2011, 02:19 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
Can you interview me next?
October 17th 2011, 10:01 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
You should interview that guy who only knows German.
October 18th 2011, 04:36 PM
Peasant He/Him Cuba
I'm simply a distraction. 
That takes the surprise from them Kris! It was a good read good job skull and merder.
October 18th 2011, 04:39 PM
Peasant He/Him Belgium
Cool read!
October 18th 2011, 04:56 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
I'll be surprised when I forget about it.
October 18th 2011, 06:11 PM
Peasant He/Him Cuba
I'm simply a distraction. 
Smart boy Kris.
October 19th 2011, 06:27 AM
Oh oh oh! Pick me next!
Nice interview Merder is such a DARLING.