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dinkaholic's Profile

I currently live in Aiken, South Carolina. That is only 30 minutes from Augusta Georgia.

Private Message

2002-07-22 14:53:38
: : Redink probably deleted it but don't remember doing it.  Blame it on the blunts.

: : Either that or you forgot to post. And that was probably the blunt's fault too.

: Never blame it on the blunt!

You're right by gosh. The blunt is too good for blame. I'll blame it on Jack instead.

dinkaholic has written 2 reviews

Graphics: I have To Be Honest And Say the Graphics in This D-Mod Were the Best I've Seen Stone of BalanceFeaturedExceptional 9.8June 7th, 2002
Simeon Proves Himself/Herself As a Dmod Creator with "Once in a Lifetime Once in a LifetimeNormalGood 8.5April 9th, 2002