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dinkaholic's Profile

I currently live in Aiken, South Carolina. That is only 30 minutes from Augusta Georgia.

Private Message

2002-07-24 13:39:11
: : : Since it seems to be such a hot topic here at the dink network as of recently lets get a phatty message board thread going on mary jane. I for one am an avivd smoker of Cannibus and fully support its legalization. Is anyone else in the DN a stoner like me? or are there some snoody biatches who think Weed is bad for you because Officer richard told you so when you were in D.A.R.E.

: : I'm a constant stoner but seldom get behind the wheel while high. I agree wholeheartly with WC about driving though. Whether alchol or drugs don't drive. There are plenty of people in prison who didn't belive it would ever happen to them.

: : Too late now.

: I'm an avid abuser of the fine stuff, and I certainly would say it's much better thatn booze! It's stupid to get behind the wheel stoned, just as it is drunk, though it's safer stoned...

: And dope doesn't make you violent, like booze can. Nobody who's high is gonna start a fight, because they just wanna chill, wheras someone drunk as a skunk has no objections to giving someone a good right hook.

: Besides, alcohol doesn't give you the munchies...

hmm, that could explain my overweight problem. But you gotta love them munchies.

dinkaholic has written 2 reviews

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Simeon Proves Himself/Herself As a Dmod Creator with "Once in a Lifetime Once in a LifetimeNormalGood 8.5April 9th, 2002