The Dink Network

diwata's Profile

Peasant She/Her United States
A 42-year-old single parent of three who started Dinking at 40, in between cooking supper, and writing jobs. "Diwata" in my language means a female elemental with magical powers.

All tremble at weapons; all fear death. Comparing others with oneself,
one should not slay, nor cause to slay.
--The Dhammapada

Private Message

2005-11-23 22:38:24
Peasant She/Her United States
i could not catch five fishes continuously in the Snowlands. My computer is too slow. I even missed on the obstacle-speed test, and just pressed "C" - which is sad. Any considerations for one with an ancient computer on this DMOD? I need some kind suggestions from any dinker friend in the network. Thank you.

Good job so far on this DMOD.