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denmark's Profile

Peasant They/Them
Dinker living in Thailand for the past 8 years. Only started using computers seriously in 2000. Dink was one of the first things I came across, and I've been hooked ever since.

Private Message

2002-11-07 10:49:51
Peasant They/Them
: : : : : : : : May you tell me how I move the spikes at deathworld? what is their secret. I tried all. >

: : : : : : : : SimonK - It's a wonderful Dmod. I will write my preview after finishing the game.

: : : : : : I should remember spikes in the game, but I don't.  Do you mean the stone heads in the veg. priest basement?

: : : : : : If thats what you mean, than there is another house not far from him (north west-ish) that will give you the solution if you find him a skull.  The skull is hidden in a cave, hidden behind a find a tree that is near a hill/wall.  That probably doesn't help if you actually mean spikes...

: : : : : : I meant how I remove the spikes (ring of spikes) to summon the earth spirit?> > >

: : : : ***SPOILER***



: : : : I know what you mean and I've been looking for that answer for some time but it's fairly simple.

: : : : To move them you need to cast "Storm magic" on them (whirlwind icon).

: : : : .

: : : : .

: : : : .

: : : : You get this spell from the spirit of air. That spirit is in the middle of the mountain with the sandstorm (you know the one with the blurry red vision) In the middle of the mountain move slowly in the middle and the spirit will appear (grow out of the ground )It's possible that it won't, then you need to help the guy south of the mountain (the one that is making a bone soup by giving him a bottle of clear water which you can purchase from a farmer kinda guy south.

: : : : To make her laugh find the wizard to the west of the spikes and ask for jokes.

: : : : There hope that takes care of your question.

: : : : Greetings,

: : : : Shampoo

: : : : sorry shampoo, I did all what you just wrote me, but it didn't help at all. I hope SimonK has the right key to my question. Thnx anyway

: : Actually, shampoo has the correct answer. Do everything in the correct order.

: : 1) Talk the guy west of the cabin who wants to make soup.  He needs some clean water.

: : 2) Go south of that screen and buy a bottle of water from the salesman there.

: : 3) Go back to the soup guy and give him the water. Finish the dialogue.

: : 4) Talk to the soup guy again.  He will give you a suggestion about the spirit/demon on the mountain.

: : 5) Follow the rest of shampoo's directions.

: : Good luck.

: Is all that even necessary?? I don't think so...

Pole sana, bwana.

SimonK once advised me that when people get to a desperate stage, they don't want cryptic clues, they want the thing spelled out. Is it necessary? Maybe not for you or me, but apparently it was for dear Irit. There are all types playing the game here. I remember that several times I've asked questions which in retrospect seemed not 'necessary', but at the time I was genuinely stuck and appreciated the answer. We're not all computer game geniuses.