The Dink Network

arcticxtaco's Profile

Peasant He/Him United States
Time for some Rome Total War and Piss Warm 7up 
Interest: History, video making, gameing, weight lifting, AVGN, Woman, Tacos, Tp'ing, egging, and ketchuping houses

People I hate: Preps, emos, gangsters, wiggers, Osama bin Ladin and the Irate Gamer

Favorite Games: Rome Total War, Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, Diablo 2, Left 4 Dead, Dead Riseing, Medieval Total War 2, Dink Smallwood

Physical traits: Jet black hair, semi-tan skin, almost black eyes, ( super dark brown ) 6 feet, 200 pounds, 16 years old

Occupation: Lawn Boy

Political views: Conservative, but not radical and very open minded

About me right now: Looking for a girlfriend ( I plan to work out like crazy over the summer, get up to benching 200 pounds (im at about 120 right now) then ask out a freshman when I go back to school (ima gonna be a sophmore)

Private Message

2009-06-11 15:37:13
Peasant He/Him United States
Time for some Rome Total War and Piss Warm 7up 

arcticxtaco has released 2 files

Duck ApprovedFan WorkTolerable 3.4June 10th, 2009
Dink ApprovedMiscellaneous, Fan WorkTolerable 4.0May 24th, 2009

arcticxtaco has written 2 reviews

Huh Mountain Darklands TileNormalTolerable 4.2December 28th, 2007
well..... Honor of the Cast: SlimesNormalTolerable 3.5December 28th, 2007