The Dink Network

Site Updates: Messaging System Active

The messaging system has been added. You can access it in the account page. If you have new messages, it will tell you on the board. Thanks to my boy SuperwolfMan for the graphics. If you notice any bugs, let me know. I will probably be making changes over the next few days, adding things here and there, so if you notice something, post in this topic, message me, something.

Also, with the messaging system, you can add people to a buddy list, and block people from messaging you. If someone spam’s you or breaks the rules, just block them, do not complain to us. If someone causes a lot of trouble on the system..well, you know what will happen.

Last but not least, I have loosened the grip on the swear filters a bit. A few of the words can be used in common conversation so I unfiltered them so you may use them. The rules for flaming still apply's, do not take advantage of my kindness.

Have fun kiddies!