The Dink Network

Nothing wins the February 2002 DOTM

Yep, nothing won the February 2002 DOTM. Kinda sad, as hardly anything at all was released in February... come on guys (and gals); start releasing stuff, for this month at least

Quest for the Pig... Dink's Vacation... weren't they supposed to be released in January? Perhaps they will attain legendary 'limbo' status that FIAT had while in development? And OkalyD said something about a demo release in February (if I remember right).

Though last month we were supposed to have been given a huge, huge, huge chunk of chicken to chew... but the stupid chicken man didn't show up. He said "Aye, February 2002, that be the month (hiccup) for that big chunk of chicken. Well.... maaaaybe... (hiccup)." Dang Chicken Man.