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March 19th 2008, 03:33 PM
Peasant He/Him
Gunroar is probably my favourite of the Kenta Cho shooters, if only because I kind of tired of rRootage after playing too much Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Fun Fact - at least one element of I, Kara Gu's final boss was inspired by this game's extra stage boss). I think it's pretty much brilliant that Harpooned exists. The Chzo mythos is pretty well written but the interface is pretty irritating, so it's probably just worth it if you can put up with the bad parts of adventure games (it's also more interesting than the Art of Theft game that the guy made later, for the most part). I thought Noitu Love was a bit boring and repetitive, but the sequel looks a bit more interesting. Cho Ren Sha's little more than basic shooting on repeat, but the basic shooting is really good. Knytt Stories is really well put together but I don't think it's as interesting as either Knytt or Within a Deep Forest, which seem to have been maliciously excluded from the list. Warning Forever is cool, but I'm surprised it's so high up the list. If you haven't played Cave Story yet, DO IT NOW. The Sam & Max games... well, they're ok. But the original one was never as good as Monkey Island or Day of the Tentacle, and the humour isn't given enough time to grow on you because of their episodic nature.


Why Dwarf Fortress and La Mulana aren't on the list proper I'm not sure. Possibly because they're both cripplingly difficult. They're also kind of dumb considering how smart they are (contradtiction in terms, but hey, you all know someone who's kind of dumb for how smart they are, right?) La Mulana is well worth persevering with for at least the first four bosses, although once you reach the confusion gate you should definitely either reach for a walkthrough or delete it from your hard drive and never think of it again. Dwarf Fortress is basically incredible and constantly changes, but it's also buggy and incredibly time consuming and impossible to get into, so i dunno. The white chamber, yeah, is sci-fi silent hill except not as interesting (although interesting this criticism isn't made of any part of the chzo mythos). The writer also seems to have the typical indie loser's hatred of introversion, which is kind of a shame as Defcon is at least as cool as 90% of that list. It's tense and devious, although you wouldn't necessarily play it with random bozos and the singleplayer is worthless, so it's overrated in the sense that you'll never ever get to play it properly.

I'll shut up now.