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March 12th 2005, 12:11 AM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
I'm quite tired (from standing in front of the car) and exhausted (from standing behind the car), so I'm going to make this a quick'n.

The results for the January 2005 Download of the Month awards are in, and Simon's Pilgrim's Quest Source has taken top honors. Apparently, people are interested in some of the lovely scripting behind this D-Mod. Me, I've still yet to play it, but I'll get to it one of these days.

Also, the results for the Download of the Year Awards 2004 are in! The top honors for the Development award went to SimonK for his ultra-convenient DinkC Reference (Windows Help File). It took Seth's original DinkC Reference, Ted Shute's insightful amendments/comments, and Simon's own further commentary, then merged it all into one easy-to-browse Help file worth a look for any aspiring developers.

The recipient of the Miscellaneous File Award is Merlin, who designed the also-ultra-convenient DFArc. Though it was praised for many other reasons, DFArc's most significant accomplishment was that it finally relieved Dink newbies of the pain and confusion involved in installing D-Mods.

Finally, taking the highly-revered D-Mod award was Sir redink1, who crafted the Brilliant Masterpiece Cast Awakening Part 1: Initiation. Coming in second place - and certainly worth a mention - is Cloud Castle 2: Scarab, by SabreTrout and Arik. Though I can't truly decide which I prefer, and I haven't played the final releases of either, I enjoyed all the time I spent beta testing both of these brilliantly-crafted D-Mods. They're certainly worth your time.

Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up, and good luck to those who aspire to win next year's awards!

But hey, that's not all... the February 2005 DOTM voting is up and running, so be a good Dinker and put in your vote. There are quite a few files in the running this month, including: Apex, by Hance; Akamb's Goblin Castle; Impossible Scenarios, by NamH666; Stupid Penguins, by Carrie; and way too many graphics for me to bother listing by SimonK. Again, I say... vote now! Yes! Please!