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Reply to Updated D-Mod: Apex v1.02

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February 23rd 2005, 07:57 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
From the almighty man who brought you Apex v2.0 Alpha, Hance, comes our newest D-Mod update, an updated version of Apex. From skimming through the description, I'd say this is something about golden eggs, golden rocks, oh, and a kingdom named Apex, ooh ooh and maybe a flaming goose too! Ok, honestly, I didn't see anything about a flaming goose. If the title's any indication, though, perhaps you should all cower in fear. Have you heard of those Apex-brand DVD players? Yeah, they're quite awful and unstable. Once, my pal Josh got an Apex DVD player for his birthday or some such occasion, and I let him borrow the first Lord of the Rings movie. And the DVD player decided that it was the supreme Lord of the Rings, for it created many rings on the bottom of the movie disc, rendering it worthless. That annoyed me quite a bit.

Here's hoping hance's D-Mod is more stable than that!