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March 4th 2015, 10:02 PM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
You should also make a future Dink who has white hair and shit and then make a Dmod where some alternate hero encounters him and shit and he's really grim and veteranny and shit, and hangs out in bars where drunks try to duck with him and end up being obliterated by his old hero power.

And then the alternate hero is being trained by Dank and since Dank becomes a tutor, he is affected by Obi Wan Kenobi's curse and ends up being killed in the most heroic fashion possible where he goes out swinging against a foe he knows is way too powerful for him just so his student can escape.

Then it turns out his sacrifice unleashed his spirit into the world which helps the student on his quest the rest of the way.

Then make use of the avi player thingy script and have it play an edited version of the end scene from Star Wars where some force ghosts appear, but make one Dink; another, Dink's mom; and another, Milder.

Then have an extra force ghost of Seth appear who is apparently now friends with them because they found common ground when they played cards in the otherworld.

Afterwards, Dink's student goes on to become Jesus and he cures the world of every single ailment in existence and everyone lives in supreme harmony.