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Reply to Strange Issue: Sprite Commingling?!?

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December 29th 2014, 08:06 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
I'm seeing a very weird issue. When Dink hits a sprite, sometimes it also triggers the hit on a sprite that's in a completely different location.

Here's a screenshot:

I updated my scripts to say stuff when Dink hits them (barrels say "Wah?", mushrooms say "Woo"). Dink just hit a sprite or two next to where he's at with his fancy light sword, but it also triggered a hit on a mushroom hidden behind a rock at the top.

And the weird thing is, this doesn't happen all of the time, just sometimes.

Any ideas?

I doubt anyone else has seen this, but I thought I'd ask just in case.