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February 5th 2011, 03:25 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Friendship is magic 
I can't say I really like stop-and-go movement, though I suppose you get used to it.

I think I can make it easy enough to use. Especially I allow players to switch between David and Nadine.

I could even make the second player stop when the move key is released but only with the help of a macro. As far as I know there's no way to check if a certain button is released using only DinkC. With a program such as AutoHotkey a macro can be made that makes stuff happen upon the release of a certain key. This way I could make player 2's movement similar to that of player 1 control wise as long as this macro is running while playing the D-Mod.

If this is a good idea I could perhaps upload this macro as a separate file for players that want to use this. (If this is allowed of course.)

I've also completed rewriting the main control script. (And updated the list.) This fixes/improves a lot of things, including performance.

And I've thinking of adding even more things. (Things which will have low priority since I do want to finish this D-Mod some day and be able to scrap stuff or leave it for another D-Mod.)

A spell which pushes enemies back.

Environment to manipulate and use to your advantage.
-Set something on fire and push your enemy into it
-Push enemies into holes or off a cliff
-Make objects come crashing down on enemies.

Making enemies give you xp when they die and not just when you finish them.