The Dink Network

Updated D-Mod: The Green Voice in My Head v3.0

April 6th 2005, 06:54 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Raven has released The Green Voice in my Head - Part 1 - Hangover and Agony v3.0. There are some fairly significant changes: an extended ending (including an introduction to Part 2), new graphics, and more things to do in the later part of the game. It also includes some obligatory bug fixes, so be sure to check it out now.

April 7th 2005, 10:26 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Wanderer of the Wasteland 
I tested this for Raven when I sent him an email after playing the original Green Voice in My Head. What I said was that this was one of the best mod's I played and not only to thank him, but tell him one thing. For being one of the best stories the mod was brought done for numerous sucky things like having to restart by following events in the wrong way, unclear goals and problems with monsters excessively hard.

Now let me tell you this game is now much easier. You cant get stuck which was the same problem in the past, plus the game isnt as hard in the right circumstances, but still a challenge, and best of all the dialogue hints at what to do next at each point in the quest.

All in all I can say this with full meaning. If you played this long ago play it again. If you havent then by all means play it along with Stone of Balance, Cloud Castle 2: Scarab, and Initiation. I found it to be a trend-setting game much like those above.

The Vault Dweller
April 10th 2005, 06:19 PM
Peasant He/Him Sweden
I just want to so thank you to:

Desertgirl and MdBones for immense help with grammar and spelling corrections, feedback and bug reports, ideas about improvement and testing.

Irit, DraconicDink, Vault dweller, Lunacre for help with testing, feedback and bug report.

Simon Kleabe, for help with some of the graphics for the items,
and some feedback and ideas on version 1.2.

Thank you!

If anyone finds any bugs in v3.0 I would be glad if you email them to: