The Dink Network

Dinky Dimensions 3?

November 6th 2004, 04:41 PM
Peasant They/Them
Kudos to Dan Walma and the Dinking community for the return of the network and for the excellent Initiation dmod. After playing Initiation, and seeing how much work must have gone into it, I hesitate to ask, but ...

Will there be a Dinky Dimensions 3? I've been holding my breath (and ruminating on Talmadge's prophecy) ever since I died at the end of DD2. Surely, we won't be left hanging?

November 6th 2004, 05:31 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
Well, with Dan leaving, I can't see DD3 coming out. But we can all hope and pray for him to come up with the goods before he deserts us.
November 6th 2004, 05:44 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
There will not be a Dinky Dimensions 3.

There will be a conclusion.

Confused yet? Good

Dinky Dimensions 1 & 2 will be placed in another series of D-Mods, because I realized the awesome plot I started with Dinky Dimensions was, in fact, quite lame.

Ancient Legacy 1: Initiation
Ancient Legacy 2: Paragon
Ancient Legacy 3: Fiat
Ancient Legacy 4: Time
Ancient Legacy 5: ?

Paragon will be a romp/short quest. I shall not say when it will be out, for I do not know.

"Ancient Legacy 3: Fiat" will be a little different from "Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT v0.99i." Hopefully less buggy and better overall. It should be worth playing even if you know everything there is to know about v0.99i.

"Ancient Legacy 4: Time" will pretty much be the same thing as "Dinky Dimensions 2: End of Time v2.01." I can't think of any changes off-hand, besides making the title screen look like the rest of the series.

The last chapter, thus far unnamed, will probably be a quick romp with a lot of stuff going on. Dink has to come back to life, confront King Eric, and all that fun stuff. It was going to be an epic to end all epics... but I simply don't have the will to create that anymore.
November 6th 2004, 10:55 PM
Ghost They/Them
Ah... whatever you do will be good. It usually is. Even though you had me pulling hair out in Initation I still enjoyed it.

DD - the first Dink pentology?

And probably the last.

Hmmm which reminds me... Necromancer... Seems I'm going to be in the good ol' U. S. of A. for about 2 months starting just after Christmas. Maybe there'll be some down time, spare time, ... dare I say... DMOD time.

No promises... just have to see how the workload is going.
November 21st 2004, 07:22 AM
Peasant They/Them
Great. I didn't realize that Initiation was a prequel. Looking forward to the others ... Thanks.