The Dink Network

Dinker's View Three: Smells Like Teen Fish - SabreTrout

July 31st 2003, 04:15 PM
After a disgustingly long time of practicing "lazyism", I've actually got an interview to share. Thanks to all (hey Phoenix and WC) who asked for this to return.

If your on the main page, check out the comments to read on.

Newbies (n00bs), they’re everywhere, and they’re trying to take over. They say silly things, take offense too easily and are seldom appreciated. Some actually skip the whole newbie experience by being cool to begin with. We’ve all been there, but it seems the crop the last year has produced has been especially interesting. Some go away, others stay around and bug us forever. Then there are the other types: the ones that actually change and become an appreciated, well liked, productive member of the community. After 10 stinking months without a column, I present my conversation with a converted newbie. Many see him as very persistent, creative and, of course, humorous. Others wonder why he can’t finish a project – though he’ll never be accused of not having a book full of ideas. So relax, and find out all the answers with TDN’s own James Troughton, better known as SabreTrout.

AI Three: SabreTrout
Conducted on July 30 - July 31, 2003

Q. You burst onto the scene in April of 2002 with a well done D-Mod, Cloud Castle, that you created along with your brother. Before getting into questions on that, I wanted to ask how you first came to play Dink, and what brought you to TDN?

A. Well, I’ve always really liked the idea of creating your own “world”, as it were. I was brought up on a staple diet of Dungeons and Dragons, as well as Warhammer: These simply fuelled my appetite to create. I had played the demo of Dink on some CD I had, but completely forgot about it. During 2001, while searching online for editable programs, I stumbled across Dink. I downloaded it and the rest you know!

Q. This is a good question for you – Was Cloud Castle your first idea, or were there other attempts and ideas that were abandoned?

A. Wouldn’t it be great if I could say it was? No Cloud Castle wasn’t my first d-mod, it was probably my 3rd or 4th. None of those previously made had any good qualities to them, they were terrible. You may be interested to know the first d-mod I made that could be completed was, in fact, Scarab. Arik had the idea of using the basic principles of that d-mod for Cloud Castle 2.

Q. It has an 8.4 rating from reviewers, pretty good for a first D-Mod. Was it hard working with someone else, or did he really help to keep you focused and on track? I’m guessing the latter.

A. Definitely the latter. I had made most of the d-mod, but there was still a lot do before it could be released, including finishing the Castle itself. Arik managed to make me bite the bullet and finish the game, instead of starting another d-mod, which is not an easy task! A lot of my idea’s were thrown away though, as they have been in Cloud Castle 2, but I’ve learnt from experience that Arik is usually a pretty good judge of what works well and what does not.

Q. When you look at Cloud Castle now, after being able to put your own grade on it, as well as taking into consideration the few criticisms it received, what do you wish you had done differently? What did you take from the experience that you have applied to your other projects?

A. I would say that the main problems, that most encountered were the difficulty of the end-bosses, and the quest to find the dead tree root. The tree root blended into the background too well, and made it very hard to find. As for the bosses, they were always intended to be hard, but I accidentally made them even harder. Most of all though, I wish I had been better at scripting. A lot of the scripts in Cloud Castle were extremely scrappy, and I could have made a lot of the “cool” touches (such as the hallway of Knights) work a lot better, had I had the experience.

Q. Cloud Castle told of Dinks quest to investigate a rash of kidnappings and find answers. I remember being quite impressed by the nontraditional way the game was played. Clues were found differently, and everything wasn’t so spelt out to the player. You’ve be advertising Cloud Castle 2 lately, is your brother collaborating on it, and will it have the same nontraditional plot?

A. Well, after a long break, my brother is back to business! Cloud Castle 2 has been speeding along for the last few weeks. At the moment, it is quite linear, unlike the first one, but I feel the beginning needs to be. Most of the d-mod should be more like the original - what you are supposed to do NOT being spoon fed to you!

Q. After the release of Cloud Castle, you really became involved in the community. The involvement at the time consisted mainly of flame wars and arguments with others, especially ImACrazyGuy/OnLineGamingGod/Iceman/Morpheus/Jamie/[insert other ill conceived alias here]. Do you even remember half of those fights, and do you regret any of the things you said than?

A. Heh, I don’t think I can remember any of the fights with him! The only regret I have is that it didn’t really get me off to much of a start at the Network. I was just another flaming n00b. I do regret the flame I targeted at Redink though…a tale of intrigue and woe that all stemmed from my forgetting to put a smiley on a post. Ah well….

Q. I'm sure he'd forgotten about till now Arguments you have now, are much more minor, and for the most part are funny. It seems most of the time you turn the whole thing into a joke. What changed you from an annoying newbie to a more productive member?

A. I’m not sure to be honest. I think I have learnt that online, you can’t win arguments. If they are wrong, you can’t change their minds, and if they wind you up, you can’t do anything about it. I think you have to be quite relaxed about what people say, and not take it too seriously. Though I do have fun getting into these little arguments with people…

Q. What of this new collaborative with Jamie? What do you have to gain by working with someone you’ve never gotten along with? Also, tell us more about the project, Mythago Wood, which I understand has sort of evolved from Kupo, a D-mod that was to have Mog as the central character.

A. Jamie and I go through stages of getting along, and arguing. I think we have both changed a fair bit since our flame wars, and I’m pretty confident that we can “keep it real”. Now this collaboration that Jamie and I have formed could, unlike previous “teams”, work quite well. The reason being that we are both forming different kinds of groups, but will help each other when one group needs the skills of the other. My group will be much smaller, and will hopefully be bringing some of the best d-mod authors about together, in order to create an extremely fun d-mod, if not a huge one.

Q. Is it true that you’ll be working with Simeon and Binirit on MW?

A. Well, until the final group is sorted out, I’m not going to commit to anything. But as you are well aware, both Simeon and Binirit are people I have asked, and they both look like being involved.

Q. For a man that loves to advertise his work, what else do you have planned, half done, quarter done, or maybe just dreamt about?

A. Well, the two obvious ones to promote would be “Cloud Castle 2 : Scarab” and Mythago Wood, but you will be hearing enough about them, so I’ll tell you some of the stuff that is lying on my hard drive, waiting to be resurrected. “A Knights Tale 3d” is something that I’d like to do, with a new modeled Jarvis, but that all depends on getting somebody to make a model for him. “PlaneWalker” is something I’d like to finish one day, as is “Heroes of the Sword”. “The Plateau” is another d-mod that I like the idea of, but couldn’t get going on. “Cloud Castle : Nerux” is sitting ¾ done on my hard-drive…but that game doesn’t look like being finished…it simply lost all impetus.. Despite it’s rather nifty “Thargo the pig” Sub-Game….

Q. Now tell us about the projects that you advertised (many many times), that are either dead completely, never started, lost, burnt in a fire, eaten by a dog, stolen by a hood, lost in the flood, or accidentally deleted off your hard drive. Tell us about some of those, and what the hell really happened to them.

A. The evil version of “A Knights Tale” ,” Rutgars’ Revenge” got deleted, and that put me off finishing that, as I didn’t want to do all the mapping again. ChronoDink died, when I realized I was just not enjoying the creation of it…though when I think back, I do like the idea of a good time-travelling d-mod. “SpookHouse” is pretty much dead, as I’m going to use some of the code and graphics from that in” Mythago Wood”. Numerous other projects start and fail before they get to the scripting stage…but that’s just me I guess.

Q. Some of the ideas you come up with are quite entertaining, and we’ll touch upon A Knight’s Tale soon. Why don’t you work on one thing at a time and try to see it through? On the same note, why are you in such a hurry to release something when it hasn’t been beta-tested yet? It would also seem that you’d have a better chance to win a DOTM with some more timely releases. Is it all a matter of patience, or lack thereof, with you?

A. I have no patience whatsoever! It’s terrible, I know that if I stuck with one d-mod, and made it as good as I possibly could, it would be much better than the other d-mod’s I have made. But I don’t. I always come up with a new idea, that won’t fit into the d-mod I’m currently working on, so I start a new one. The only d-mod I have put substantial work into recently is CC2 though, and I’m very happy with some of the stuff that has gone into that.

Q. A Knight’s Tale. This was one of my favorites (up there with Quest for Cheese) because of it humor. In AKT, Dink is actually busy elsewhere, and the player controls Jarvis the Knight. I remember from my own review, I thought the game was short and sweet, and particularly entertaining considering it was created in just 72 hours. While Cloud Castle was serious and methodical, AKT was more a bit more rushed, but ultimately more fun to play. I’m a big fan of humor in games…Did your brother keep you from putting more humorous parts into CC?

A. No, he didn’t. That may come as a surprise, but he is actually telling me to put more humor into CC2! Deciding what is humorous and what isn’t is all very subjective, and I guess I was lucky with AKT. I simply wanted to release a d-mod, and was bored of Dink.

Looking through the graphics I could use, I saw the footman from Warcraft 2, and I was immediately inspired. Watching him run about in the game made me realize that your typical d-mod wouldn’t suit Jarvis, and he needed his own style. As I was under a time limit to make the game, an action orientated d-mod was born. I tried to just be a bit silly, and have a bit of a dig at RPG’s in general. Luckily, the up-beat nature of the game was quite popular, and so was the humor (which at the time…I thought wasn’t up to much).

Q. . I suppose the worse thing people point out on AKT were the hardness errors…understandable given the 3 day limit. What everybody pointed out, of course, was the Lady by the Lake. Recently, you released AKT2. Jarvis’s adventure continues, and so do the laughs. All the way up to the end, I could almost predict, or at least hope, what would happen, and I wasn't disapointed. TDN’s Christiaan had this to say, “A Knight's Tale 2 has everything that a good romp needs: humor, it's small, it's easy, it's relaxing to play, and most of all: its fun to play.” Could there be a better compliment to someone who prides himself on humor?

A. It is a very nice compliment indeed, and I’m very happy with the way AKT2 turned out. I was going to add in a few more levels for Jarvis to battle through, but I got impatient. Again. The most interesting thing to come out of that game was the “Blitz Move” that I decided against, because I couldn’t script it. That would have rocked. Overall, I would say that A Knights Tale is my favorite d-mod, and I will definitely do a 3rd, and possibly even more.

Q. Give us some more details on Cloud Castle 2, what can we expect to see in it, and when can we expect its’ release?

A. Well, I’ll try not to give too much away, but CC2 will be much better than the original. So far we have put in a party system, which is more akin to the Final Fantasy party then the follower scripts normally found in Dink. A person (Alessa for example) will be in your inventory, and you can talk to them at any time. They will also make appearances at important parts of the game, with reactions varying on who is with you.

The map is not too big, but many different events occur depending on what part of the story you are at, which is a nice change to the usual Do this, get that, go to next area of most d-mods.

I’ll release some screen shots soon, and then you will be able to see the Scarabs, Bane Bonca’s et al in a bit more detail.

Q. Before asking you a few questions about yourself, maybe we can discuss Alternate Heroes a bit. Despite Mimifish’s poor grade of 2, this project was well received by the community and may have even had something to do with an Alt Heroes contest (which you didn’t enter). How did your thoughts on the file unfold? Do you plan on updating this in the future?

A. I was just bored I think. Dink is nice, but after playing ROTD I thought that having different heroes would create a lot more variety in the community. The file was very well received by some, and hammered by other. It all depends on your viewpoint whether you will like the file or not. But really, I was just bored of writing an essay, and started writing about Alternative Heroes, and before I knew it, I was uploading the file!

I certainly want to update it, but it can be difficult to decide what new features to put in. I could explain the scripting parts a lot better, so I guess that would be the next step.

Q. Alt Heroes was a great source for newer dinkers, and could go a long way in helping some be more creative with their releases. Kyle, while reviewing it, noted, “I sincerely hope there will be more submissions that touch on the little aspect of editing, that way, by combining detailed guides to certain things, bigger "wholes" can be achieved.” Did you accomplish what you wanted to with this file, and do you see it as a good stepping stone for starters? What other tips would you give to newbies?

A. I feel the file has been useful to some, but hasn’t actually achieved what I had hoped. I was hoping to see many alternative heroes strutting around the network, but that has not happened. Advice to n00b’s? I’d say t just stick at it, experiment, and ALWAYS make a detailed map! Empty screens are just asking to be hammered by reviewers, and it doesn’t take long to decorate one! Just keep it pretty simple, simple maps with nice scenery, and a nice small quest to complete. It doesn’t have to be complicated!

Q. Now, the obligatory tell us about yourself stuff. We know you live in England, give us some other vitals, and tell us at least one thing about yourself that would shock us. Also, tell us what you listen to besides Brittney Spears

A. Britney Spears?!?

Q. Well, it was featured quite prominently in AKT...

A. Mmmm….But not my kind of music really. I’m quite an oddity when it comes to music actually. I don’t have much of a collection, and will quite happily listen to almost anything…though I draw the line at a lot of Pop music! I like a bit of this, and a bit of that. Rave, metal, hip-hop….whatever is good for me!

Q. Finally, clue us in to some of the sites you regularly visit. What does a fish have for hobbies, and what do you do when you’re not sitting in front of a screen?

A. Well I don’t actually visit many sites at all, apart from the Dink Network. In fact, that’s pretty much the only site I go to regularly. Although has brought me a few laughs, and one website EVERYBODY should see is That site is funny as hell!

Be sure to check out Sabre's site, Mythago Wood, for news and updates on his newest project.

Thanks to SabreTrout for his time and honesty. Please, anyone else who would like to participate, email pureevil or send a private message at TDN. Hope you all enjoyed...
July 31st 2003, 04:56 PM
Great interview. Now go back practicing "Lazyism" .
July 31st 2003, 05:26 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Nooooooo, Lazyism is bad We need more neat interviews.
July 31st 2003, 05:54 PM
i know! interview MEEEEE!!
July 31st 2003, 06:00 PM
Peasant He/Him
That's a scary thought.
July 31st 2003, 06:01 PM
Peasant They/Them United States
keep it real 
i did not read that sorry it was long and contained no references to phallic shaped fruits
July 31st 2003, 06:09 PM
It was the "banana lite" version. I'd be happy to email you the full banana version...
July 31st 2003, 06:56 PM
Peasant He/Him
What are the grounds for interviews? In other words, why do you interview a certain person?
August 1st 2003, 01:12 AM
He goes through a long list until somebody says yes
August 1st 2003, 01:13 AM
Ooooh he included me... that's made my day. By the way guys I'm off for a week on holiday (Down Cornwall.. mwaha)
August 1st 2003, 03:13 AM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
Thanks for interviewing me, I had loads of fun doing it!
August 1st 2003, 09:04 PM
Peasant She/Her
cool interview
August 3rd 2003, 04:15 PM
Am I converted yet? Or am I still a nOOb
August 3rd 2003, 04:23 PM
Peasant She/Her
Great interview!
August 3rd 2003, 06:08 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Only newbies ask if they're newbies.
August 3rd 2003, 06:52 PM
Peasant He/Him
What about all the noobs in denial?
August 4th 2003, 01:35 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
Yep, great interview
August 4th 2003, 01:38 AM
Peasant He/Him
The worst (also the most) newbies are those in denial..
August 4th 2003, 04:58 AM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
NO WE ARE NOT! Errr....I mean...oh fudge.
August 5th 2003, 10:31 AM
I just mean is it a questian of time and expirianc or weather ive finished anything.

*) *) E-ISLAM (* (*

August 5th 2003, 10:42 AM
They don't cover that question in the handbook....
August 5th 2003, 01:12 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
They do cover it in "Sabre's Guid to being a N00b".
And you are one. As am I.
But my definition (I won't tell you here) also includes we are all screwed I guess...
August 5th 2003, 01:59 PM
(hehe) LOL

*) *) E-ISLAM (* (*
August 5th 2003, 02:03 PM
Ghost They/Them
As am I.

Finally you admit it

Now what's that definition of yours?
August 5th 2003, 02:55 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
The definition is...

"A n00b is one who has not released at least 4 files. You may also be a n00b if your user-name begins with a D. You are also a n00b if your real name begins with a letter."

So as you can see Dukie, the only non-n00b on this site is Strkier...
Real name : 95X-Exterminator.
August 5th 2003, 03:38 PM
Peasant He/Him
So whats the point of calling people noobs then?
August 5th 2003, 03:42 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
Because they are, and I can?

Though to be honest, it's not like I prowl the network calling people n00b's is it?
August 5th 2003, 03:45 PM
Peasant He/Him
I rarely hear Striker call people noobs so anybody who calls anybody a noob will be able to call that person a noob, at least under your definition.
-There are alot of people logged on at the time of this post!
-I'm sky high on reefer again.
August 6th 2003, 02:11 AM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
My definition isn't actually a very good one, or hadn't you noticed?
Anybody CAN call anybody a n00b, but everybody knows who actual n00b's are, Safmoor. Besides, I didn't say anything about Striker calling people n00b's, but that he isn't one himself.
August 6th 2003, 10:31 AM
Peasant She/Her Finland
Very neat interview..! More, more, please
August 6th 2003, 10:53 AM
Peasant He/Him
I modified the post for you all to realize that I wasn't in my right mind, so disregard what I said.
August 9th 2003, 02:01 PM
Peasant She/Her
I just read throught the thread and what do I see on the bottom of the page? This appropriate quote:

"but has anyone sayd to someone-straight : 'YOU ARE A N00B!!' maybe,atleast i didn't see so." - RustedSorrow

"oh wait- i did" - RustedSorrow