The Dink Network

Isle of Croth (The)

At the bottom of a well. From the COTPATD project.
Dink goes on vacation to the Isle of Croth resort, but finds it has been massacred by an unknown evil.

This D-Mod contains mature content, and may not be suitable for younger players.
Released:June 18th, 2002
File Size:1.90 MB
Release Notes:v1.3
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
January 30th, 2003
Score : 9.5 exceptional
Isle of Croth is one of the best D-Mods. Island may look small, but it's double bigger in dungeons & towns counted! You should play this D-Mod if you're interested in Dink.
Dink goes to vacation into Isle of Croth, but something strange is happening there. King hasn't received his gold supplies from island some time. Who's behind this? Plot is good, although I've seen better. *Average: 9.1*
Some new graphics: dice, lucky wheel, wh***s. No new magic. That's bad. *Average: 9.0*
Nothing new, just plain old Dink midis. (Besides James Bond theme.)They fit the game good. I don't recognize new sounds usually, this time too. Nothing new I guess. *Average: 9.3*
It was great. There was lots of doing and world was beatyfully decorated. Dungeons below town where great. I discovered bug where you won't broke the spinning platform with Lightsword. *Average: 9.8*
Well, whorehouse was new addition. Lantern is good looking at all. Difficulty level setting is great addition to game. You can buy megapotions to increase your stats ridicolous levels. That's why end boss can be easy if you can collect money for potions.
Final Decision... 9.5!
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Isle of option of jenna8AddieAugust 27th 2012, 03:43 PM
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Finding the Blacksmith4BucketJuly 30th 2009, 09:03 PM
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Little discussion isle of croth2dinkmegaJuly 20th 2008, 08:46 PM
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Is it a Bug or Brain Drain?1HylanderNovember 10th 2007, 12:38 AM
isle of croth12ausmumSeptember 15th 2007, 03:02 PM
Help2StormerJuly 18th 2007, 07:15 AM
isle of croth (where r bombs)4imperiallMarch 3rd 2007, 04:42 AM
Bomb? IoC- stuck on surface (kind of)5GravityslaveOctober 1st 2006, 11:47 AM
help3ausmumNovember 24th 2003, 02:40 AM
Help: Isle of Croth5gvandyk2May 8th 2003, 10:47 AM
Isles of croth2HeadlessDuckOctober 6th 2002, 06:51 AM