The Dink Network


Dinks House  - End
While planting his summer vegetables, Dink overhears two Boncas discussing the fate of the towns pets. There has never been pets in any of Dinks adventures so the boncas must be getting close to completing their plan. What evil scheme must Dink thwart this time. Can he do anything to prevent pets disappearing from his world forever or is their fate already sealed? What about his beloved cat Furball, Dink better get home fast.
Released:May 23rd, 2010
File Size:1.19 MB
Release Notes:Initial version.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
Let's Play (DSPT)

March 20th, 2013
Score : 9.0 exceptional
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
I'm surprised I'm the first to review this. I found no bugs. Helpful hint: Do not waste bombs. Anyways, very very good job on this and I can't wait for your next one, MsDink.


It's quite hilarious really. The game is about envious boncas who are teleporting into the past to get rid of all the cats. Dink's quest is all about finding some bombs that are hidden in the map, and destroying all of the portals.


Absolutely positively fantastic. MsDink is one of if not the best mapper I've seen. It's complete eye-candy.


Not many, but to be fair, there didn't need to be. I think they fit well so that's really all the matters.

TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Dink Smallwood/Furball51daddydishMarch 7th 2019, 08:19 PM