The Dink Network

Honor of the Cast: The March of Army

The introduction. From the COTPATD project.
Dink have to find his way to home... but does he find his home? Find out from this HOC!!

Yeah, here are some scripts from CC! Shame me! I'm sorry! But try to not care of them!!
Released:April 23rd, 2007
File Size:1.02 MB
Release Notes:Fixes an issue where previous versions of the D-Mod complained about a virus.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
June 8th, 2007
Score : 4.6 tolerable
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Writing a rewiew for my own d-mod? Sure!

Well let's see... it has been so long time when I wroted a rewiew last time.

Story: Dink Smallwood is Cast's prisoner. Dragon Carcass teleports him to desert. There Dink meets Cecilia, Charlie's sister. She tells that armys shall march and everyone dies. Dink will start solving this mystery. 3.1.

Mapping: Bad! No trees, no stones.

Gameplay: Bad aswell. Some Cast captains to kill, but no secrets. Oh, one, but too easy to find.

Overall: 4.6. I atleast tried. And one secret saved it.

Fit for: Everyone who wants bad mapped game with a little story in it.
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
what the hell??????7arossowJanuary 25th 2008, 09:46 AM