The Dink Network

Graphic Numbers

This is a summary of the various base sequence/actual sequences of the original graphics.

Useful if you're wanting to change a sprite's graphics in a script and don't want to open the Dinkedit or WinDinkedit I guess, or searching through the dink.ini file.
Released:December 30th, 2002
File Size:0.00 KB
Release Notes:v1.00
January 23rd, 2003
Score : 9.0 exceptional
Peasant She/Her
This file is an enumeration of (all) the numbers used by the dink.ini file for graphics.

They are divided into four pages and the list gives a description of the graphic and the number used.

This file is handy if you want to know what number a graphic has because you want to replace it in dink.ini. Instead of going through the editor or search in the dink.ini file itself, you can check this list. I know I have done some endless searching to check what number a specific graphic had, and I wished there was a file that just stated all the numbers. This file is the answer to that!

If you want to have a nice list of the numbers used by the dink.ini file for the several sprites, this is a good file.