The Dink Network

Dressup Dan

Band of Dans
Build your own King Daniel using various colored capes (with/without hood), boots, crowns, pants, and faces.

V1.02 changes

More colors;
Divided into subcategories: (buttons, crown jewels, hair,...);
Added two cool pirate hats.
Released:September 5th, 2006
File Size:358.88 KB
Release Notes:1.02
August 11th, 2009
Score : 9.5 exceptional
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
This file lets you dressup King Daniel in different ways. There are lots and lots of different clothes. Dressing your king is very easy. There isn't actually anything bad in this file. It contains everything it should.

I have not much more to say about this file.

Overall: It gets score of 9.5. It contains everything that promised, and is a great development and graphics file.

Fit for:
Anyone who wants to create their own king for their D-Mod or dressup Daniel in a different way (maybe to dress Dan for party at the beach).

Great stuff, Rabidwolf!
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
contributions and improvements10rabidwolf9March 13th 2008, 05:31 PM