The Dink Network

soap12345's Profile

2002-09-14 06:33:36
: : : How do you download the D-MODS?

: : You misunderstood me and it's my fault. Iknow how to download them but when I extract them I don't know which file to put them into. I know they told me but I don't understand. Please help.

: Find you main Dink Smallwood directory and put it there, it needs the Dink engine to run.  Most have it here CProgram FilesDink Smallwood.

: After it is unzipped, your file will be named in someway after the dmods name and will contain folders in it named..Story, Tiles, Graphics, etc as well as some single files.  

: So if you downloaded the dmod "DOEM", it would look like this C:Program FilesDink SmallwoodDoem     Unless of course the Dink Smallwood directory was right on C.  Eh...hope that clears it up.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!