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Chrono Trigger
Betrayal at Krondor
The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian
MadMaze (the one from Prodigy)
The Rob Blanc Trilogy
Pakoon 2
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2011-03-17 11:05:27
Yesterday I guess, for you folks over on the other side of the world. Do they do anything special for St. Patrick's Day where you live? In the US there are a few parades, but mostly we just wear green. When we were kids, people would say they'd pinch us if we didn't wear it, but I don't remember much actual pinching going on. I've heard green is the Catholic color though, and being Protestant I should really be wearing orange.

dinkulum has written 1 review

A nice beginning Smallwood-Man!NormalGood 8.0May 22nd, 2011