The Dink Network

cloudnaeris's Profile

My name is Jesse and I'm sixteen. I have just recently joined the Dink Network and so far it is awesome. I am starting to make my first DMOD and I hope it will be great. I love music and when I'm not trying to make a video game (via Rpg Maker or DinkC) I have a rock band called Gravity that I play with. I plan on composing my own midis as well as using some Metallica midis.

Private Message
AIM cloudnaeris7

2005-04-12 00:23:09
Oh yeah. Blender. Not the easiest thing to learn on your own. I too tried to tutorial to no avail. I messed around a little but never figured out how to do it. Luckily for me though, I have based my story around Dink. So that made it easier because I don't need a new character. Though it would be nice to know Blender so that I could put new sprites in the game. Same ones over and over are quite repetitive. I am having fun selecting midis, but my western taste in music may not be the same as most of the people that will be playing. Which I am making the assumption they are mostly from the Eastern Hemisphere. *Is thinking mostly Europe.* I just hear a lot of complaints on other peoples dmods that the music was bad. So hopefully people will enjoy what I have in store for them.

Good luck Kmaikl on your first D-mod. Maybe we can help each other out in the future.

cloudnaeris has written 1 review

Well Zach the MarineNormalGood 7.0April 2nd, 2005