The Dink Network

KuraMayaki's Profile

Peasant She/Her United States
I am a Bard. I am a Shadow. I am a Bard of Shadows 
Hello, I am KuraMayaki but free to call me either Scooter or Oy (please don't ask about that one unless you've read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King ^.^). My mom got me into the Dink Realm about a half a year ago and almost every time I have time, I play it. I can't play it on my own computer, but I do play it on my mom's. I'm a fanfiction writer and I stick with Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Spiral, Black Blood Brothers, Fire Emblem and a few others. I also hope to be an author when I get older so I am a member on and I'm Yuko6754 on both sites.

I am a total tomboy and I'm proud of it. I'm a video-gamer and I hope to someday make a D-mod of my own. I'm not gonna ramble on for any longer, but you'll probably see me on the forums. Well, seeya later all!


Private Message

2008-06-05 13:16:16
Peasant She/Her United States
I am a Bard. I am a Shadow. I am a Bard of Shadows 
Yea, I'm new here. Obviously. And I hope this is in the right category. *sweatdrops* Anyway, I just was kinda curious to know how long some of you have been playing Dink Smallwood?

I've only been playing about half a year myself. *chuckles*
