The Dink Network

FrchTwst's Profile

I live in Los Angeles. I'm almost 18. There are no DMODs for me to play. This makes me sad.

Private Message
AIM FrchTwst

2002-11-01 23:13:13
: : : I finally figured out a way to kill the rabbits (BTW SimonK, you are the best) so now I'm just trying to accumulate gold. The queen is not taking visitors and I can't find Roland's parent's house. Am I the only one that doesn't know what to do next?? Please help me, I love DINK but I guess I suck at it! Also, I don't know which attribute to choose when I level up. I've been picking Luck, it seems like thats what I need the most!

: : Roland's parents house is in a seperate area that can be reached by going south instead of north on the passage that take you to the queen's castle.  If anyone knows what to do after you have grown sugar beets, please help me because the queen still won't take visitors and the townspeople don't tell me anything new.  

: You should've been to see the Queen once... for her to ask for something sweet. Then the sugar beets... well you are in the land of Punz so beat the sugar beets to get the sugar... take it to the Queen... If you haven't managed to see the Queen... um... Have you seen the Fairie Nuff yet?

: As for levelling up... luck is good to get to 10, agility to at least 6 before you can cross the first ice bridge... honour... well that comes later

: Hope we're having fun....

I did all that stuff but I how do I beat a beat? Whenever I put it as the weapon all it says is about the beet being ugly.