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Escariot95's Profile

Well, well, look who it is. It's Mr(s). I-Am-A-Random-Person-Who-Just-Decided-To-Look-At-Escariot95's-Profile-For-A-Reason-Unbeknownst-To-Him-But-Who-Is-Also-A-Person-That-Escariot95-Would-In-All-Likelyhood-Like-To-Meet-As-He-Enjoys-Meeting-New-People.

Welcome. I could fill this text box with hundreds and thousands of characters in an act of shameless self-promotion, but instead I'm going to leave you with what I wrote in my MySpace's "about me" section.

I don't really like to generalize, but all "About Me" sections, regardless of the site you find them on, are inherently evil. Really, they are; if I could sum myself up in a paragraph or two or whatever you put in this text box from Hell, I would be extremely boring. Further, the entire rest of this page would serve no purpose whatsoever, and everyone's MySpace would look like death, as they would not have filled it out. I'm told that, barring the occasional exception, people try to put off meeting (or seeing, as the case may be) death for as long as possible. Why, then, am I typing in this box now? Why do I not simply forgo this one and move on to the others? Well, my friend, for you are my friend, there is no simple answer to that. I suppose the the easiest one I can communicate to you through this repulsive mash of letters someone fondly christened English is that I'm rather strange. I am, in fact, very strange indeed. You would be hard-pressed, methinks, to find an individual more keenly aware of their quacking bizarre-ness. I'm pretty dang odd. I am not, however, arrogant, and I do not inflate myself beyond what I know myself to be. Not even I have the audacity to make the claim that I am the strangest person there is, or even that I'm the strangest person you will ever encounter. I do, though, recognize my 'strangeness' (in my country we call it "being unique"), and revel in it. You should too, for you are likely every bit as off-the-beaten-path as I am. You just don't know it yet.

Web Page
Private Message
AIM Morgan Tristania

2006-11-05 11:14:02
"We love you, DDC."

I would buy a band's album exclusively because their name was Dead Dragon Carcass.

Escariot95 has written 5 reviews

Ultimate Cheat V2 Ultimate CheatFeaturedExceptional 9.9November 4th, 2006
While I Realize Sword of Paranor is a Romp Sword of Paranor: Forgotten RealmsNormalTolerable 4.9November 4th, 2006
I'll Be Honest And Say That I Downloaded This D-Mod Exclusively Because of the Two Screens... Elves of RathorFeaturedGood 7.3November 4th, 2006
You Sit There For Perhaps Sixty Seconds Dink LettermanNormalHorrible 1.0November 4th, 2006
The Isle of Croth By Simon K Isle of Croth (The)NormalExceptional 9.1November 27th, 2005