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DarkNight's Profile

2005-07-06 10:07:44
help help my on board graphics is well not working as it should

iam running a super tx with an sis 5598 chipset and iam trying to get the onboard graphics to work

another of the problems is that i dont have any of the drivers for the board or a manual cause the computers second hand

well i just need help in general all i now about the adapter it that its a 2d adapter that uses anything from .5mb to 4mb of memory

well the problem iam betting on is the driver can some tell me a good web site to find drivers

or is there one on the win98 se that'll work

help cause the only thing i can think of is hitting it with a big hammer and seeing if it works afterwoulds and if it doesn't atleast i had the joy of destroying it

please only put up a post if u know somthing about harware setups and chipsets basucly ppl over 16 that now wat iam talking about

DarkNight has written 6 reviews

I Dont Feel That I Was To Harsh on This File but To Say it in a Few Words it Sucked Victim of LifeNormalHorrible 0.0January 26th, 2006
Very Good Quest This Was Actually the Very First Dmod I Played 9 Gems of Life (The)NormalGood 7.7August 10th, 2005
The Cast Awakening Part One Was a Good Game That Was Very Well Done And That Making the Ga... Cast Awakening Part 1: InitiationNormalExceptional 9.5August 10th, 2005
The Isle of Croth Was One of the Only Dmods I have Played That have Added More To Game Wit... Isle of Croth (The)NormalExceptional 9.6August 10th, 2005
The World of Dinkc is As Good And Well Made Epic That Will Go Down in the History of the D... World of DinkCNormalExceptional 9.8August 10th, 2005
Im Glad That if Not a Bit Late That I Played This Dmod Pilgrim's QuestNormalExceptional 9.6April 15th, 2005