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SOB story 4 I am going to cry!!!!!!!!!

Stone of Balance

June 29th 2005, 12:27 AM
ok so I have had to start the d-mod over more than once already but am now up to story 4 in jail and can't be the stupid woman no prob right you die you get sent back expect when you screw up and hit the save in jail befor you kill her so looks like I get to start over for the 3rd time... I am going to cry... guess there is no way out of this mess is there???
June 29th 2005, 01:09 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
An earlier saved game will do it... or use a cheat and bump up your strength or defense
June 29th 2005, 02:00 AM
Ok I confess I am not that bright you would think after all the RPG's I have played I would have learned to make a back-up save point but I did not do that so only have 1 saved game and it is in jail... as for cheating uhhhhhh never done it and don't know how... I really want to play this game I love it so guess if starting over is what I have to do being as I am not smart enough to do as you suggest then I will....back to singing and I so don't want to eat another roach......
June 29th 2005, 12:35 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
We can out-drink most Americans! 
With any of SimonK's games, always save your games at different points in different save spots. As for the cheat thing, all you have to do is download Ultimate Cheat (Miscellaneous Files, I Beleive), and open it. Read the read me file. It is very simple to use. I also learned the hard way.
(silent curse to SimonK... )
June 29th 2005, 02:54 PM
I really wish I had done that I do it with every other game I play don't know why I did not with this one.. AHHHHHHHHHH... It's so bad I fell asleep and dreamed about that stupid jail. IF only there was a large red heart there... seems a good place to have put one as the church tries to kill you when they take you magic. I will admit I am tempted to dowload this "cheat" file but I know I won't as it would just ruin the rest of the game.
<sings> SimonK you may be a genuis but are an evil twisted one at made this game it made me cry and to think there are more to come!! SimonK don't you know it is MEAN to make a girl cry?? If I go off and eat a whole tub of ice cream and get fat know it is your fault your just a big meanie and I am
telling!! LOL
June 29th 2005, 04:28 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
We can out-drink most Americans! 
If I recall correctly, it took me several tries before I was able to kill the naked woman. When at first I didn't succeed, I just went back to my last save bot and made myself stronger by killing some scorpions and whatever else was around.

(I didn't use the cheat thing either)
June 29th 2005, 08:34 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
hmmm SOB makes you eat ice cream... interesting... oh well, sorry about that.
June 29th 2005, 08:56 PM
yeah a little SOB and it is either eat something or kill someone(.) Then again I may be a bit nuts to start with add (,) in SOB and you never know what you will get.

changes added RP64!!
June 29th 2005, 09:47 PM
Peasant He/Him
Ever heard of using periods in your sentences? *GOD! I can't work with this material!* *drops papers;walks out door loudly; slams door shut*
June 30th 2005, 09:53 AM
Using periods in sentences? Hummm. Having flash back of english teachers. Oh the pain make it stop! She always said, "someone will yell at you over run on sentences." Seems like a rule thought, and I don't like rules!! But I will go add periods just for you. Can't have you unhappy now can we?? LOL! *opens door and yells loudly* you should not slam the door it's not nice!! LOL
June 30th 2005, 11:49 AM
It just keeps getting worse!! Ok so I am restarted and am back to story 4. Looking for the school of magic. I have bruned every tree in the forset that I can. I give up where is it?? I have never had this much trouble with a game befor! HELP ME PLEASE!
June 30th 2005, 11:50 AM
I always thought that SOB, while being a good DMOD, had an unbalanced gameplay. If you find the secrets, it will be too easy ( especially since the more secrets you find, the more secrets you'll be able to find; which is pretty illogical ); and if you don't, you'll be banging your head against the monitor.

EDIT : Oh, and by the way, I think the witch is easy to kill compared to other monsters. Did you kill the giant pillbug in Story 3? Did you get the potions?
June 30th 2005, 12:05 PM
Hi Yeah killed that over grown roach 2 times now! Now that I look hard enough found school and move on to the end part of this stroy. Question do I have to kill the girls mother? Or is there a happier why to do this??
June 30th 2005, 06:37 PM
Peasant He/Him
LMAO. Yah you should add those changes, because... they should be added. Think about it.
June 30th 2005, 07:18 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
You don't have to kill the mother... you can start down the dark side (as it were) - knock her out with the club and take her to be sacrificed.... and then have a change of heart and rescue her after she gets thrown off the cliff - just make sure you have a bomb with you before you knock her out ... and make sure you haven't boosted your strength beyond 30 with a club, or you'll kill her...
July 1st 2005, 12:11 AM
Thanks SimonK! I figured out I needed to hit her. Trouble is she dies and I am not over 30 on any stat?? Why dose she die?
July 1st 2005, 12:34 AM
Gotta be a priest first... and remember to use the club.
July 1st 2005, 01:03 AM
I quit went back in and she stoped dying. So woooohooooo. Tell me I am at the end of this story. I tell you this DMOD makes all the M&M games look like a walk in the park! It is a moot point now but is there a way to keep your stuff when becoming a priest?
July 1st 2005, 01:09 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Yes, the bag on invisibility - Balder can tell you about it... it's in a secret cave, under a burnable tree.
July 1st 2005, 01:31 AM
Thanks again SimonK. I will reload and try that out. Yes I learned my lesson and am now saving at diff times in diff spots. Geuss my RPG senses are coming back now. Been a while since I played one. Also gald to see I am not the only one up at this time (its after midnight here) and yes I am playing dink DMODS. Dose that make me a sad sad person???
July 1st 2005, 01:42 AM
No your playing a Good dmod... I download, play and keep EVERY dmod No matter how good or bad it is Dink was 24 meg now its 2.73 gig on that note.... If anyone hasnt realeased one of their dmods could you send it to (My parents, Other hotmail doesnt accept .dmod files
March 26th 2006, 02:42 PM
Ghost They/Them
I cannot become a priest!! I have gotten to the point on story 4 (using a walkthrough) where I am supposed to beat the woman to make the girl cry...every time I go to the church, the guard says "No services today." How do I become a priest and get this stone??
March 26th 2006, 03:41 PM
Ghost They/Them
Ok, nevermind...I figured it out...just needed to leave for a while and return after hitting the woman once...