The Dink Network

Using pictures/images as screens?

June 25th 2015, 02:59 PM
Since Dink lets you create your own tiles in D-Mods, you could theoretically create a D-Mod where each screen is a 640x480 image. You'd be limited to 512 screens (out of 768 possible), but that's still not bad.

Has anyone done this?
June 29th 2015, 12:03 AM
Peasant He/Him Japan bloop
Responsible for making things not look like ass 
I don't think anyone's ever done that on such a large scale. Usually if you're going to use such a large image you'd probably use show_bmp(), load the images into a sequence and place them in the editor, or use create_sprite(). I don't see the need to replace the tilesets with them though.
June 29th 2015, 01:56 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
Just make several long sprite sequences and place them. Each sequence can hold a lot of frames anyways, so no need to use fancy scripting.
June 29th 2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks to both of you!

I never realized DinkC was so powerful.

It appears as though you could create an entire game using nothing more than DinkC, which may serve my nefarious purpose of creating something like SeconDink Life...