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anyone know good ways to get inspired to work on dmod stuff?

November 16th 2014, 02:14 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
i am Ancient 
i'm burnt out on exd/robj's race vids (which were my fav)

burnt out on just listening to the midis from all that stuff

you know any ways to get me in the mood?
November 16th 2014, 02:41 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
Well, I'd probably dim the lights, put on some slow romantic music and...
Oh! not that mood!

Well, usually what I do when I'm working on an RG Maker game is listen to the music and edit and make maps before I despair from realizing I don't hat the sprites I need because I like complexity.
November 16th 2014, 02:48 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
i am Ancient 
anyone know good ways to get inspired to work on dmod stuff?
November 16th 2014, 03:01 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
for me it works best to just do it and test bosses (often for me tif well working it remotivates me.

bosses and music are important but on their own do nothing so good music for modding also helps.

and finally if long enough replaying parts with good story helps me too
November 16th 2014, 04:11 PM
Peasant He/Him Poland
Everyone should get a pizza for free in each week. 
Who the hell says that it should have bosses and fights. In my case just read some novels related to medieval and fantasy times or play adventure games, such as King's Quest series, Monkey Island etc or some RPGs like Elder Scrolls series or Baldur's Gate. then with some imagination you can pull out something good.

EDIT: Listening to MIDI ballads also helps.