The Dink Network

Dink Smallwood HD and semicolons

October 6th 2014, 12:00 AM
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
My scripts for "Malachi the Jerk" contain few semicolons at the end of lines. I read that they don't make any difference in Dink, and in FreeDink and Dink v1.08, this seems to be the case. In Dink Smallwood HD, however, this seems to cause a problem.

I couldn't figure out why MtJ didn't work properly in Dink HD until I got an email recently from somebody who worked it out themselves. They said that, if a goto line lacks a semicolon, Dink HD ignores it. This is the only kind of function that seems to have this problem.

There will be a new, hopefully Dink HD-compatible version of "Malachi" soon. This is just to let everybody know one of the things you've got to do to get your DMOD working with Dink HD.
October 6th 2014, 05:47 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Whenever I've accidentally forgotten a semicolon at the end of a goto line, it hasn't worked for me, even on regular Dink versions. However, Malachi worked for me without any issues due to that, which just makes it weird. Seems I can't script my own D-Mods' goto lines without a semicolon, but if I download another D-Mod that does the same, it works just fine.