The Dink Network

Unable to package dmod and missing sprites/not saving

January 28th 2014, 04:31 PM
Peasant They/Them United States
Weird issue I've been having with saving a dmod. I'll go and play the game and everything appears to be fine for me, but when I went into the editor one screen is one of the screens from the begining of the map. So I go and edit that and everything works fine then, but when I go to package the dmod in DFArc, it says it has packaged it fine but the package isn't in the folder. If I zip the folder and anyone else tries to use it, it appears part of the map was never saved and anything I had added previously was gone. Not sure if thats just cause it isnt packaged like it normally would be but I have no idea what is causing this and how to fix it.

Skorn: I tried to play it and the resulting map was one we had before. The farm bornfree15 had made wasn't there and neither were the NPCs, or building warps.