The Dink Network

The great goblin war ver. 2.?

July 3rd 2009, 02:57 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
The Voice in the back of your head! 
Though progress is very slow.
I managed to rebuild the goblin village and rescripted the first sidequest.
one of the reasons progress is slow is thanks to the virus i only have about half the motivation i had when i started the D-mod. The demotivation was months of work lost and not remembering all the ideas i already implanted. *sigh*. i do have enough motivation to finish it but it'll take a while and the more i restore the more motivation comes back.
July 3rd 2009, 03:10 AM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand
I'm pretty sure I'm worth atleast SIX goats... 
im here to help merder!!