The Dink Network

Golden Buddha (The)

The golden buddha has been stolen and the monks ask dink to go find it. Pretty easy little romp, should be able to finish quite quickly. I may add more later and I'm certainly up for suggestions and feedback. New graphics and some black-necked cranes and sheep. A way better desert tile too.
Released:February 26th, 2006
File Size:1.93 MB
Release Notes:1.2
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
December 8th, 2004
Score : 7.1 good
A good, quick diversion, although you'd be better off playing, say, AHP.

Gameplay: 7
Outside of some mildly-diverting-but-actually-quite-routine fights, this game has nothing to offer in this departement. No puzzles, no minigames... and figuring out what to do next requires almost no effort. Kinda dull, actually. There is a cool new weapon though.

Style: 10
A *bunch* of new graphics, which work nicely with the old ones, as well as on their own, IMHO. A lot of attention has been paid to detailing the map, although many "edge screens" lack a visible border, which is rather annoying. Once again, everything is scripted, with a amusing, quirky sense of humor. Dink interacting with buddhist monks is a funny concept. I didn't laugh out loud at anything (I rarely do), but almost all of the mini-dialogues made me smile.

Story: 4
Kinda lacking here. Dink needs to find a golden buddha, so he wanders around a little and steals it back from a dead pirate. Way too short, and way too simple. A dmod doesn't need a great story, but in this case, the absence was definitely felt.

Hey, it's a small, fun dmod. Not bad at all. I think "Elves of Rathor"(or whatever it's called) to be Carrie's best so far though. The problem with "The Golden Buddha" is that it's just too simple. More gameplay, and more of a story would really help. A dmod doesn't have to be just a series of challenges, but at least a challenge or two really helps.

None-the-less, the style of this mod is easily sufficient to make it good IMHO.