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Pilgrim's Quest

New stats on the status bar... oooo
Dink's holidays are interrupted when he comes across the remains of a brutal raiding party. He agrees to help the sole surviving woman complete her journey to the Monastery.

*Best download of october 2002*

*Best D-Mod of 2002*

Released:May 6th, 2024
File Size:32.72 MB
Release Notes:Things that have been done to Pilgrim's Quest since ver 1.44d

Fixed hellfire magic script
Can now get a map in the Firewood Village
Added secret with water magic in Firewood
Added puzzle option instead of riddles for all riddles except first two
Added more clues for the ice armour riddle
Improved Beet Farmer in Land of Punz
Added more interaction in the M rated version for getting to the gambling in Port Town
Adjusted the brothel visits so that the full screen animation occurs where originally planned
Added a secret water magic enhancer scroll available in two places
Replaced Dark Sword bonus in Dragon's realm with Death Sword
Basilisk will eat Dink if he is not a man of honour
Improved cut scenes to End World
instant cures are now coloured golden, not red, to avoid confusion
Added cut scene about settlement and poisoning, don't have to talk to Cthullos to progress
Necro-bots that give keys in End World, screen is locked until key is picked up
Changed Overlord/Decretius graphics to a magic caster (used one of my other creations)
Adjusted the end boss battle with rocks falling and Magic Caster
Adjusted the effectiveness of water magic, good for some monsters, not all
Adjusted sounds and some sound levels
Stats Screen pops up on sound, no waiting
All stats now displayed on status bar, except when changing weapons/magic
Fixed Screen fades with new stats display
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
November 18th, 2002
Score : 9.7 exceptional
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
Pilgrim's Quest is an excellent D-Mod, and ranks up there with the other Epics, like Stone of Balance, Prophecy of the Ancients, and Friends Beyond 3.

What's Good?

Graphics: Egad. Simply tons of new, really good quality graphics, from new enemies, to whole new lands...

Innovations: Dink sailing in his boat is quite fun, and the Throwing Star is a good addition to Dink's arsenal. Six different stats also liven things up a bit. I also liked the secondary uses for Acid Rain, and all of the spells were quite original and good.

Balance: After playing Stone of Balance, which I had resorted to cheating my way through, I was afraid I would have to do the same with Pilgrim's Quest. And after the first hour or so of playing, I was sure of it... but Pilgrim's Quest is actually pretty balanced. If you don't take care and level-up your character, you can get in some impossible situations (such as being screen-locked with Rabbits, when you have no chance of damaging them, let alone killing them). Enemies usually leave behind gold, so it wasn't that tedious to kill them in pursuit of leveling up. While some enemies will be way too difficult to kill when you first encounter them (Rabbits, those Chameleon dinosaur things), you'll eventually be able to decimate them without nary a scratch.

Basic Layout: One part of Stone of Balance that I hated was as soon as you got familiar with a land, you moved onto another chapter, and your familiarity was useless. Pilgrim's Quest softens that blow quite a bit... there are three rather large 'chapters'. So during your first couple hours of play, you can still go back to the first town, and find even more secrets.

Secrets: You're rewarded greatly with exploring... though some of the 'secrets' are almost a requirement in order to complete the stat quests.

What's Bad?

Note: the following are more nitpicks than anything... there really isn't any huge flaws in Pilgrim's Quest, but there are a few minor things that I didn't like.

Riddles: The riddles seemed much more difficult than the ones from Stone of Balance... in SOB, I just thought for a few seconds and got the answer. Not so with Pilgrim's Quest. I did resort to asking other people and scanning the board for solutions to most of them... my mind just wasn't understanding the hints.

The Stat Quests: Most of the quests are quite good and original... but there are more than a few irritating stat/level up quests, where the sole goal is to have a certain value for a stat. Also, true to the original game, you can only allocate one stat per level up, so you'll probably use it on the stats that matter the most (strength/defense/magic) and ignore the others, and pay for it when you're trying to scavenge for other stat boosts.

The Perspective: The new graphics are really good... but for some reason they just don't look exactly right... especially the buildings. Its probably because the camera angle Simon rendered the graphics at isn't the same exact camera angle used in the original game. This doesn't have too many bad effects, but it is noticeable. Also related to the perspective is the Frigate's graphics... it feels like the depth dot is completely messed up when you change directions.

Unwarranted Deaths: Simon fixed this in the v1.10 patch.

Story: The story is pretty good, with some really unexpected twists and turns... though there were a few times where I questioned what I was doing. For example, I never understood what was up with the Fairy Nuff guy... apparently Dink insulted him, but I couldn't recall that ever happening. In fact, I didn't know what I was doing for most of the Land of Punz (snow).

The Ending: After you beat Pilgrim's Quest, it is a bit of a let down... there simply isn't a good ending that rewards you for your hours of playtime.

Overall: If you have the means to download all 38 MB of Pilgrim's Quest, do so. You won't regret it.
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Redux on Mobile - game response slows right down7SimonKMay 12th 2024, 10:55 PM
Hellfire error?5xenicApril 23rd 2024, 07:59 PM
Dink hopping when he shouldn't in ver 1.442SimonKApril 23rd 2024, 12:05 PM
Frog Bot disguise not working in DinkHD3SimonKApril 20th 2024, 08:34 PM
Game is not proceeding at start15helloNovember 30th 2023, 03:58 AM
Pilgrim's Quest Fail4ToddOctober 11th 2021, 02:23 AM
Wizard in fortress4Stella!April 21st 2020, 12:13 PM
Help with 3rd zombie10hoppyJanuary 11th 2020, 10:40 AM
Mature version bugged5HeilspawnSeptember 18th 2018, 04:29 AM
How do i get beet seeds?11ThePunisherApril 24th 2018, 05:53 PM
secret potion in demon cave6maxMay 18th 2017, 12:10 PM
Crystals secret1HerbieDecember 8th 2016, 06:22 PM
Crash during cutscene6BIGFATDINKNovember 9th 2015, 12:50 PM
Whirlpool25barbridgAugust 1st 2015, 11:34 AM
Honorable Quests3GotAHUGEdinkDecember 15th 2014, 03:12 AM
ACTUALLY PILGRIM'S QUEST V1.084Reilly615April 13th 2013, 01:54 PM
Some questions10fasterMarch 13th 2013, 03:47 PM
Pilgrims Quest  looking for whrilpool7Dan2uFebruary 7th 2013, 07:10 PM
Rescued CThunik from the jail cell.What next?4HirenDecember 21st 2012, 11:59 PM
Rowing on the blood river6starlynx57December 19th 2012, 05:41 PM
Cant diable frog-bot?3EazYYzaEDecember 19th 2012, 04:10 PM
Bridge with tree - Password8Jonas0075November 8th 2012, 04:40 PM
PILGRIMS QUEST WALKTHROUGH31DinkerAugust 19th 2012, 05:10 AM
Very basic, how to stats?6OhSeriouslyMay 23rd 2012, 01:45 AM
Stuck in Dark Forest1picklesMarch 31st 2012, 01:29 PM