The Dink Network

Avoca (New Monster!)

The Avoca!
This is Avoca, a dangerous mutated avocado to (ab)use in your D-Mods!

Hope you like him!
Released:August 13th, 2011
File Size:589.70 KB
Release Notes:Now with the .blend file. Please use the newest blender version at to view it correctly.
Blend file includes some tips on dink-like rendering, and most importantly, shadows.
September 5th, 2011
Score : 9.3 exceptional
Peasant They/Them Australia
I downloaded the new version of this file after the author included the .blend file. Enclosed is an avocado-like monster apparently called Avoca (not named after the beach) with a tail and eyes.

After my rather scathing review of this author's other graphics pack, it seems he has worked hard to learn his craft and produce something of good quality. Each body part is textured, rigged, and the shadow is actually applied through the node editor rather than during PP in Photoshop (or similar) which is incredibly novel. The camera is now set to orthographic like it should be, and there is text explaining how a lot of it was done. The default (bodyslam?) attack animation has been removed so you can make your own.

I don't like the colour scheme, I would prefer more of a brown colour over darkish red, and avoca's surface is a little rough and rock-like in the render but because the author's included the .blend file this time you can easily change all of that in a few clicks! Avoca also tends to look a bit too much like a mouse with no legs due to his tail, and really seems just too cute to hurt someone. His open mouth makes him look astonished instead of menacing, and he would look good with some teeth.

Download this to have a look at how to create your own pre-rendered 3D stuff to fit in with the existing Dink graphics or another game engine. In terms of a game idea, Avoca would be good for a game where a farmer has mysteriously disappeared and then you go to his farm and realise that it's because of mutant veggies (even though avocados are apparently a fruit).

What would be nice is a script that renders something in 8 directions with attack sequences and that sort of thing rather than you having to rotate everything manually yourself. That fits more into the realm of programming, but probably isn't too hard to do, and would make this a perfect file. The licensing requirements seem to fall under CC-BY meaning you can use this for almost whatever you like. Which you should do. Now.