The Dink Network

Archive - May 2008

RTSoft News: Guitar Hero III Mobile
Posted by Tal on Wednesday May 28th, at 08:38 PM
GameDaily carries news that Guitar Hero III Mobile has now sold nearly 1 million copies, an astounding feat in the mobile game space. This comes just weeks after the announcement that 7.5 million songs had been downloaded for the mobile version alone.

What on Earth does this have to do with anything here? If you didn't know, the great Seth Robinson was responsible for the programming behind the game, as evidenced by RTSoft About page.

On a different subject, maybe I will supply you with actual Dink news in the near future. Maybe not. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy these delicious new flavors of Mountain Dew. Mmm, Voltage...

(Thanks to Joystiq for originally bringing the news to my attention)