The Dink Network

Update: GNU FreeDink
Posted by Christiaan on Wednesday January 28th, at 10:44 AM
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Super Beuc, saving the day for all you Dinkers on Linux with the latest update of GNU FreeDink!

Check out the comments for details.

This update brings FreeDink to version v1.08.20090120 (yes, I memorized it) and:

- fixes some crashes due to improper D-Mod scripts (e.g. attempt to modify sprite #1000). In other words, DinkC scripts are now better validated to avoid this.

- has support for translating D-Mods.

But to clear things up, FreeDink is not a Linux Port, but it's a complete rewrite of the Dink engine and also works on Windows. Anyone up to the task can submit contributions to Beuc and help improving FreeDink.

For more information, check out the FreeDink homepage.