The Dink Network

Site News: Partners Fixed and Updated
Posted by redink1 on Wednesday July 16th, at 05:11 PM
The Partner links have been broken due to the continual downtime with the, so I fixed them.

And, sadly, two of our Partners have quietly disappeared. Tullisti's Beta Testers Roster has gone offline, and with DethLord no longer an active member of the community and subsequent complications with the Dink Directory have left it unreachable.

But, some good news as well. I've always wanted to add some sort of 'Fanfiction' section on The Dink Network, but I've never gotten around to it. However, Kory has started up a Dink Fanfiction of his own. So if you have any neat stories rattling around in the space between your ears, contact Kory and he'll put them on his site.

For more information on these nebulous Partner links, check the comments.

And for anyone wondering what the 'Partners' links are all about: its just a fancy name for the links that are on the side of each page. There is no actual 'partnership' between The Dink Network and the sites, just the link. Heck, the 'Partners' don't even have to link back.

However, the unwritten rule (well, unwritten until now) is that the Partner links are sites that offer actual services to the Dink Community that The Dink Network doesn't provide. So if you think your Dink site matches that qualification, contact me.