The Dink Network

Awards: February 2003 DOTM Voting
Posted by WC on Tuesday March 4th, at 10:58 AM
Well, since redman is the new lazy staff member I have activated the nuclear bomb called DOTM. This month there is not a lot of things to vote for, so rummage through the scraps and pick the tastiest one. Vote Here for either one of these files; Battlesys, Pilgrim's Quest Enemy Graphics Pack, or Ted's Tools and Toys. Have a blast, remember, you can vote more than once, but only your last vote counts, and don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Update:Due to complications with the Miasma 2.0 database, most of your votes were not registered. Please vote again. Voting is now extended untill march 18th.

God I hope I didn't break anything..