The Dink Network

Recent Release Rumble Q2 2010
Posted by metatarasal on Tuesday August 3rd, at 11:04 AM
Now, I know that it's technically August already and that I'm technically not Christiaan either but that won't stop Q2's 'Recent Release Rumble'! And so I present to you: The Recent Release Rumble 2010 Q2!

15 files, including the non-combat contest ones, have been released in the past quarter and now it's time to vote for your favorite DMOD and non-DMOD file.

See the comments to read more.

The basic rules of the RRR are as follows:

1) You can vote for one D-Mod and for one Non D-Mod file. You cannot vote for two D-Mods or two Non D-Mod files.
2) Voting is done by posting a reaction in this topic with your choice.
3) You can not change your vote. So make sure you think before voting!
4) Only "well known" members are allowed to vote. This means that no ghosts or really new accounts can vote. This is done to prevent people from voting with alternate accounts.
5) Discussion about the files is encouraged. But please, no spamming or attacking other members!
6) The two D-Mods and two Non D-Mod files with the highest amount of votes of each RRR will participate in the Download of the Year Awards for their respective category next year.

So what are you waiting for? Cast your vote! Voting ends next Tuesday.

The choices for this RRR include all files released between April 1st and June 30th. The choices are:


Agatha Smallwood's Will
Corporate Managerialism
Dink Z Trivia
Fate of Destiny (Demo)
Forest of Doom
Grasp of Darkness
Higgledy Piggledy
The Day After the Middle Night
The River
Where's Likko?

Non D-Mod files:

Dark Grass Cliff Tile
Platform Transportation
Poison Status
Zeddexx's Homemade MIDI's