The Dink Network

Pollocracy six: Hors d'Ĺ“uvre
Posted by metatarasal on Friday June 25th, at 06:49 AM
It's been 16 days since the DMODs for the Non-combat DMOD contest were released and everybody is obviously waiting for the results. Don't worry, we're working at it. But in the mean time you can enjoy this: Pollocracy six, the best comments for all the polls between #149 and #156.

Check the comments to see them all.

As I'm always experimenting with the exact format for this article I've decided that this time it might be a fun idea for me to respond to some of the poll comments I selected. I hope they make for a fun read as well... Here are the comments:

Poll 149: What is approximately Dink's age in the original adventure?

3) Psstt. Patrick. You know what's funnier than 24?....25!
2) That depends on whether you mean his age in years that have passed, or his actual age that is resultant of multiple time loops and paradox dodges.
1) Prepubescent pig farmers FTW!!

[I wonder if this joke extends beyond 25...]

Poll 150: I like food:

3) Lukewarm; I love the pizza that is at the dump outside "Ali's Kebab and Antiques" every friday night,
2) Who are you to assume that I like food?
1) I eat fireballs for breakfast... Without Milk.

Poll 151: What was the worst glitch you ever saw in a DMOD?

3) My sprite mysteriously vanished. I later learned my brother drank it.
2) Why is it that Ducks can slip through a seemingly non-existent gap in the hardness while I can't follow to try and slaughter them?
1) I never played a DMOD

[Am I the only one who thinks of a barrel sprite for the first comment?]

Poll 152: Most annoying Dinknetwork habit?

3) Robj stole all my cookies
2) Wasn't there are quote about a bathroom? Or a ny room for that matter? That TDN didn't have a room?
1) Why is Tal not an option on this poll?

["How come we have a urinal as one of our buildings?" - Pap to Seth

"That building RULES!" - Seth in response]

Poll 153: Any complaints about this poll?

3) Why . . . is . . . there . . . no . . . TAL OPTION?!?!?
2) the complaint i have is that i actually could think of anything to complain about
1) I have a complaint, but it's secret.

Poll 154: How many of the 'upcoming DMODs' will actually be finished?

3) Definitely all of them. Even necromancer, I'm sure it's still on a computer somewhere without any disturbing twists that would elicit it's absolute deletion. Definitely gonna be released tomorrow.
2) I can't wait till tomorrow!
1) All I know is this: At least one of them won't be finished, since I started one.

[If you're planning to make a DMOD realism is often your biggest problem]

Poll 155: Should we quote people more often?

3) The lack of quoting these days, means that this *very* quote-worthy comment will not be quoted!
2) There should be a quota on quotes
1) Where's EvilEarl's quotes? That stuff he says is sooooo sexy, a lady like me may actually sign up. I mean, no wimp would charge into the realm of quantum physics debate as unarmed as him. I want to see his influence on the site. It gives me a bigger r

[Open discussion: What's 'a bigger r' exactly? I think it might refer to fishing equipment...]

Poll 156: Most peaceful title for a DMOD?

3) instead of 'most peaceful' you could do loads of things...
2) The only way you can acheive peaceful with anything is making it involve no poeple or sentient creatures (organic or synthetic) of any kind.
1) Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, if you see a peking duck, behead it so it bleeds.

[Open discussion: Instead of 'most peaceful' what would be most (in)appropriate?]
[Also, I'd love to see Sylvester Stallone entering with a machine gun (politely) asking 'Where's Likko?']