The Dink Network

Contest: Non-combat D-mod
Posted by SabreTrout on Tuesday April 6th, at 10:23 AM
Ever wanted to make a d-mod, but didn't know where to start? Are you a long time D-Mod developer who needs a kick up the backside?

Well, we've put together another contest. Yay.

For this D-Mod Contest, you must create a D-Mod without any combat. In most D-Mods combat is integral to Dink completing his quest. Whether you're smiting Goblins, stabbing Dragons or putting the boot into a Pillbug, it's a rare d-mod which doesn't involve bloodshed of some description.

Have you got the creativity and awesome power required to make a d-mod which doesn't rely on this gameplay tenet?

View the comments for more information.

The Rules

Deadline: All entries must be uploaded via the Upload Form before June 1st, 2010.

Eligibility: Non-staff members can participate. Staff members may participate in the contest, but they will not be able to vote or view the other entries before the rest of the community.

Voting: Voting will be conducted by eligible staff members during the month following the deadline.

Prize: Three prizes will be awarded, and they will be announced in the coming weeks. The 1st place winner will have his or her choice among the available prizes, and then the 2nd place winnner, and the 3rd place winner gets whatever is left.

If a group effort was involved in the creation of a winning D-Mod, only one prize will be awarded.

If a group or a person submits more than one D-Mod, they will only be awarded one prize, with the resulting prizes given to the other contestants.

Specifications: These requirements must be followed in order to be eligible for the contest:

The d-mod shall not include combat/fighting gameplay. Whilst it is acceptable to include fauna that the player can kill (ducks, for example), the gameplay itself must not have any combat sections. There may be fighting/combat in the d-mod (either by NPC's or in cut-scenes), but the player must never be in control at these times.

It is recommended that you create a traditional RPG/Adventure-style D-Mod for the contest. We are not looking for a "weird" d-mod here.

Size: There are not any size limitations, either in map screens or file size.

Cancellation: Prizes will only be awarded if two authors / groups submit D-Mods for the contest. Also, SabreTrout can cancel the contest at any time he pleases for any reason he chooses. If SabreTrout mysteriously vanishes/implodes/dematerializes, this power shall be passed on to Striker.

Misc: If you have any questions, or think some of my rules are a bit silly, please post a comment or a message on the board.

Previously released D-Mods are not eligible, nor major parts of their map and/or story. For example, Skull couldn't take Historical Hero, delete all the enemies from the game, and submit it for the contest.

You can submit more than one entry. But beware: you may end up 'splitting the vote', and allowing another D-Mod to win.

Good luck, chaps.