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dinkaholic's Profile

I currently live in Aiken, South Carolina. That is only 30 minutes from Augusta Georgia.

Private Message

2002-07-24 06:08:44
: : : : They are making that s**t here in Las Vegas Nevada legal. Now everyone if going to be poking smot.

: : : : --WC

: : : im not a smot poker, im a smot pokers son,

: : : ill keep on smoting pokers,

: : : till the smoting poers done!

: : : i too am 100% AGINST poeple who smoke that crap. im my opinion, its illegal for a reason.

: : duh, the only reason it's illegal is because more money is made from it while illegal than if it were legal.

: If marijuana importing was legal, I forget the exact numbers, but it would create millions of tax dollars fot the USA.

yeah, but by being illegal the government is letting those millions go to the crooks and terrorists.

dinkaholic has written 2 reviews

Graphics: I have To Be Honest And Say the Graphics in This D-Mod Were the Best I've Seen Stone of BalanceFeaturedExceptional 9.8June 7th, 2002
Simeon Proves Himself/Herself As a Dmod Creator with "Once in a Lifetime Once in a LifetimeNormalGood 8.5April 9th, 2002