The Dink Network

ThaDude's Profile

Peasant He/Him United States
"WHAT IS STFU?! " - VaultDweller 
I like to program stuff...Familiar with Java, Javascript, ActionScript 1 and 2, HTML (lol?), C, C++, DinkC (duh?)--There might be more, can't remember atm.
As far as immediate family goes: I have the usual 2 opposite sex parental units, 2 brothers, and one eeeevil age:
Father: Steven--Steve, Dad, Faj (Short for Faja (Austin Powers: Goldmember)
Mother: Graciela--Grace, Mom, Maj (Rip off of Faja (Austin Powers: Goldmember)
Oldest Brother: Christopher--Chris (Short for Christopher--Duh) or Evelyn (No idea why Evelyn, he chose it though)
Sister: Michelle--Misch (Short for Michelle --Duh
Younger than oldest but still older brother: Daniel--Dan (Honestly have no idea why people call him that one though )

Private Message
YIM None
AIM VexusPwnZj00
MSN is also my Current email

2006-07-22 22:05:32
Peasant He/Him United States
"WHAT IS STFU?! " - VaultDweller 
umm tal if you dont mind me asking...what does that have to do with this post...

ThaDude has released 1 file

Dink IconsMiscellaneous, Fan WorkFair 6.9November 28th, 2009

ThaDude has written 1 review

Wow, better than expected Mystery Island Help MapNormalGood 7.5November 27th, 2009

ThaDude has taken 3 screenshots

Preview Dink IconsNovember 29th, 2009
Preview Spiffy Dink DesktopNovember 28th, 2009
Preview Mystery Island Help MapNovember 28th, 2009