The Dink Network

Lap's Profile

2002-10-16 13:46:17
Peasant They/Them
Actually I left about 6 months after Dink was first released. I was with the Dink Community since it first came out back in the Mike Snyder days. I pretty much just talked to Mike and redink1 while making my mods, than i just left...

Lap has released 2 files

Moorack and the PillbugsD-Mod, RompTolerable 4.3February 26th, 2006
Revenge of the CastD-Mod, QuestFair 6.2February 26th, 2006

Lap has written 2 reviews

First Off Let Me Tell You Moorack and the PillbugsNormalFair 5.0October 15th, 2002
First Thing's First; I Made This Dmod So I Will Just Vote Close To the Average Revenge of the CastFeaturedGood 7.5October 15th, 2002