The Dink Network

Dinkme's Profile

Peasant He/Him India
My real name is Ambikesh and I live in India. Till now I have a released two graphic packs (one quite horrible by the way) and a Dmod demo which I don't intend to complete in a long time. Currently I am working on another Dmod - The Magical Realm of Histanbul. I am no longer an active Dinker and visit the website only once in a while.

And by the way, if you have seen the anime Inuyasha, then don't forget to see my graphics pack called "The Wind Scar". Though I couldn't make it as good as it looks in the anime because of a crappy Dink engine but I have tried my best.
If you want to ask me something mail or PM me. Though I wonder if anyone would ever ask me for any help or something like that.

Lurking in the site since: February 2005 in different patches, the first patch from Feb 2005 to July 05 being the longest one.

Private Message

2005-05-18 10:59:58
Peasant He/Him India
Well I got this:

Your fate has been decided....
You are one of the lucky ones! Because of your virtue and beliefs, you have escaped eternal punishment. You are sent to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!

First Level of Hell - Limbo

Charon ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, and Aristotle. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad.

Dinkme has released 5 files

Trees, Tiles and Rocks Development, GraphicsGood 8.0August 23rd, 2023
Wind Scar Development, GraphicsGood 7.7April 9th, 2007
House GraphicsDevelopment, GraphicsTolerable 3.7June 6th, 2005
Fifteen Tasks of DinkD-Mod, DemoGood 7.7May 19th, 2005
Goblin CastleD-Mod, RompHorrible 0.1February 10th, 2005

Dinkme has written 17 reviews

Goblin Castle Goblin CastleNormalHorrible 0.0March 24th, 2007
I I, Kara GuFeaturedExceptional 9.7February 9th, 2007
Castle Fix By Rabidwolf9 Castle FixNormalFair 6.5January 16th, 2007
Dink Jumps By Rabidwolf9 Dink JumpsNormalGood 7.0January 16th, 2007
Summon Spell By Rabidwolf9 Summon SpellFeaturedExceptional 9.0May 15th, 2006
New Status Bars Which Can Be Used Instead of the Standard Ones Chrome Status BarsFeaturedFair 5.0May 11th, 2006
As Good As Eternity Final+(Rev 8) By Tyrsis As Good As EternityNormalGood 8.7April 30th, 2006
I Stumbled on This D-Mod When I Was Searching For Some Good D-Mods Which I Haven't Played Back from the GraveFeaturedExceptional 9.4April 24th, 2006
Some Nice New Original Ice Graphics That Look Nice IceWorld TilesNormalGood 7.8April 18th, 2006
I Didn't Like the Dmod At All Helpin' the Ol' Duck FarmerNormalFair 6.0May 31st, 2005
Cloud Castle 2 : Scarab Cloud Castle 2: ScarabFeaturedExceptional 9.9May 29th, 2005
Well I Finished the Dmod At Last 9 Gems of Life (The)NormalGood 8.5May 27th, 2005
Good: Ok House GraphicsNormalTolerable 4.1May 20th, 2005
Nice Dmod TerraniaNormalExceptional 9.0May 10th, 2005
A Brand New Graphics Pack Evil HousesNormalExceptional 9.5April 1st, 2005
Very Small Map with a Lot of Bugs in it You Could Just Walk Through the Houses Or To the T... Stupid PenguinsNormalTolerable 4.0March 2nd, 2005
The Scenarios Are Pretty Easy And the Screenlock Ends As Soon As One Monster is Killed Impossible ScenariosNormalTolerable 3.8February 20th, 2005